One Sunday a month we invite a friend to discuss their faith, their life’s work, and the intersection of the two. We’ve moved our Faith+Works services online, so register here to receive the Zoom link!
This month we are combining FAITH + WORKS and our annual Flower Communion! We can’t gather to plant our front beds with annual flowers this year, and Lori Sutherland will honor the tradition during this service.
Lori will discuss communion as a new source of connection. Our connection to the beauty of flowers and how that provides us with a healing bond. A bond that protects our immunity and community with God and the divine source and spirit that is surrounding us to sense the sacred relationship to ourselves and to the world.
We will be sharing about the history of the flower communion, as well as a meditation garden meditation, the sacred language of flowers and how beauty, joy and hope can be found everyday in new unexpected paths.
Lori Sutherland is a Pleasure Visionary, speaker, writer, influencer, model, and facilitator of educational programming and bespoke events celebrating how beauty transforms the world. For nearly three decades, Lori has worked with companies, non-profits, and individuals as a teacher, soul stylist, coach and consultant. Her Sensual Soul Style program advances women into unparalleled creative visionary leadership. Lori was recently a Brand Ambassador for Gucci Timepieces & Jewelry and is a First UU Board Member.
Please register here to receive the Zoom link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/first-uus-flower-communion-tickets-105445767128
Topics: Faith + Works, Flower Communion