35/47 Cleveland Street, Orange, New Jersey 07050, (973) 674-0010. (Just off Main Street, just a block from Scotland Road. Off-street parking. Directions )
last updated September 18, 2018
Monday, September 24th, 6 p.m. -- HUUB: Building Solidarity Potluck
We will be catching up after the summer off, creating a fall community calendar, and making art with HUUB Fellow Stephen Batiz. Please bring a dish to share. Please bring a dish to share! The Facebook page can be found here.
Sunday, September 30th, 5 p.m. --
FAITH + WORKS: Joseph Thomasberger Community Fellows
The HUUB at the First UU of Essex has initiated a vibrant program that encourages young people to make a difference in Orange. This program will be named to honor the urban ministry work of the late Rev. Joseph J Thomasberger. Becky Doggett, Joe’s life partner and activist partner, will start the conversation about Joe and his work. She would also like those attending to add their experiences. Facebook event page can be found here.
Every Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 12 noon -- HUUB: Singing With Friends, 35 Cleveland - Worship Space.
HUUB/FUUCE/University of Orange: Margaux Simmons, Aubrey Murdock, Doug Farrand, Charlie Wirene and others singing together for an hour each week! Open to anyone who'd like to join!
(For past events, see Calendar Archives.)