chalice with rainbow flame
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Essex County

BYLAWS REVISIONS for consideration at Spring 2008 Congregational meeting

As approved by the Board of Trustees, March 25, 2008.

The bylaws revisions proposed below do the following things:

These changes are intended to make it easier to find members willing to serve as Trustees or Officers.

In Article V, Section 1, replace "Two Trustees" with "One Trustee."

In Article V, Section 4, subsection (a), revise second sentence to read "The Nominating Committee shall, on or before the first day of March, select nominees for Officers, a Trustee, and the non-Trustee seat on the Nominating Committee, and shall, on or before that date, notify the Secretary in writing of the nominees so selected." [the only change in the sentence being from "Trustees" to "a Trustee"].

Article VI, Section 1, revise to read: "Section 1. Board of Trustees. The executive power of this Church shall be vested in its Board of Trustees, which shall consist of the Officers of the Church and three other members, designated 'Trustees,' one of whom shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for a term of three years."

Transitional provision: At the same meeting at which the present bylaws revisions are approved by the Congregation, the Nominating Committee shall recommend which of the Trustees who have unexpired terms shall continue and for what terms, and the Congregation shall vote upon that recommendation.

Article VI, section 2, revise to read: "Section 2. Eligibility & Term Limits. To serve as a Trustee or an Officer, a person must have been a Voting Member of the Church for at least six months before being elected. No person shall be elected to more than three consecutive one-year terms in the same office, nor to more than two consecutive three-year terms as a Trustee, and no person shall serve more than six consecutive years on the Board."

Article VIII, in third sentence (quorum provision) change "six members" to "four members".