The basic requirement of membership is sympathy with the purpose of the church (the study and practice of religion in freedom and fellowship).

One becomes a member by signing the membership book in the presence of the Minister or an officer of the church. We like to do this as part of a worship service, but this is not mandatory.

Voting membership is maintained by attendance at worship services, by taking an active part in church programs, or by making a regular financial contribution. Most members do all three of these things, but any one suffices according to theĀ bylaws.

Members have many opportunities to participate in the life of the church: ushering, decorating the pulpit table, doing coffee hours, nursery duty, committee service, service on the Board of Trustees (possible after one year’s membership), and presentation of part of a service or a whole service.

Members receive The World (the Journal of the Unitarian Universalist Association).

Members are asked for a pledge of financial support during the regular canvass in the spring; new members joining at other parts of the year may be asked for an interim pledge for rest of church year. We generally suggest a pledge of two percent of gross income, but members are expected to pledge only what they can afford in their circumstances.