[Min.] Jan. 18, 1904. Mr Hunt...advocated passing the plate ...
[St.Cl.] Jan.23, 1904 - owing to serious illness of Mrs.Hunt, Mr Hunt unavoidably absent. ... By a vote of the
class Mrs Sexton was requested to send to Mr Hunt, over the telephone, an expression of sympathy, which she
promptly did. Eleven present. Secy pro tem Ulilla L. Decker.
[St.Cl.] Feb. 8, 1904 - Mr Hunt absent. Mrs Decker read paper on the life of Harriet Martineau. Eight present.
[Abst.] Mar. 21, 1904, trustees voted to give a note to Estey Organ Co. for 700 balance due on organ, to raise
one half in 1904 and to borrow the remainder by note. [and to hold monthly afternoon services]
[Abst.] Apr. 13, 1904, trustees voted a resolution on the death of Mr.[Nathan Louis] Handy, Mar. 21, 1904. Mr. Hunt reported that
Mrs. Handy wished to provide funds for the Parish House in accordance with the desire of Mr. Handy. Mr. Euler elected
trustee vice Mr. Handy.
[Abst.] June 19, 1904, trustees elected Mr. Sturtevant Treas. vice Mr. Aborn resigned on account of ill health
[U.C.] 1904 Lawn Party, vocal solo, piano solos, impersonations. 200 present
[Alli.] Oct.12, 1904, Addie M. French, Rec. Sec.
[Abst.] Nov. 7, 1904, trustees - postal card vote on question of passing contribution plate, in favor 62,
opposed 9. Voted that contribution plate be passed beginning Nov. 13.
[Alli.] Nov. 9, 1904, Housekeeping and Hospitality Committee (Mrs. Yeaw, chair) - " ... Three ladies are
to keep the church in order, or more accurately see that the janitor does, also look after the pantry linen.
Mrs. Haughwort was elected to take care of the communion table on the Sundays when the service of communion
is held."
[Abst.] Nov. 13, 1904, trustees revoked vote on contribution plate [on petition of several members, on ground that
there had been misinterpretation on the part of some of the notice calling for the postal card vote]
[Abst.] Nov. 24, 1904, trustees received report that the estimate for building Parish House was $5,100. Mrs. Handy's
check for this amount was presented and her request that this be turned over to Mr. Hitch or Mr. Hunt as her agent
was agreed to.
[Min.] Nov.24, 1904 - Congregational meeting discussed contribution plate and resolved that announcement by pastor
calling attention at services to the contribution box at door be discontinued.
[U.C.] Jan. 2, 1905, Mon.eve. - New Years Party, at Berkeley Hall. Music by Walter Decker; two one-act plays.
About 300 present.
[U.C.] 1905, Pres J.H.E.Stewart [reelected], VP Fred H. Colvin, Secy Miss Julia D. Hitch; Treas. Guy Chace.
[Abst.] Jan. 16, 1905, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
[Min.] Jan.16, 1904 - Mr. Hunt's report ... "high standing of the church in the community, one evidence
of this being that the minister was one of a committee of three for the organization of the ministerial association
of the Oranges....in view of small attendance at vesper services he recommended their discontinuance."
Unity Club: 79 members; four sociables or entertainments, incl. New Years party.
[Alli.] 1905, Treas. Rept. of $175 receipts, gave $100 to church.
[Alli.] Mar.7, 1905, annual meeting. Pres Miss Sylvia Hitch, VP Mrs Dudley, Treas Mrs Dormitzer, Rec.Sec. Miss Wilmot,
Corr.Sec. Mrs Chamberlain.
[Abst.] Mar. 21, 1905, trustees voted to engage Mr. Decker as organist of Church for 1 year (later changed to 2 years)
from expiration of present contract at $300. per year. Music Committee instructed to provide music for Sunday School.
Voted to leave with the Music Committee the question of providing a piano for the Sunday School.
[Min.] Mar.21, 1905 - "The advisability of raising Nelson's pay was brought up and the treasurer was instructed
to arrange the matter with him. ... Mr Hunt said the action of the trustees upon passing the contribution plate
had not been clearly explained to the Congregation ..." committee instructed to issue circular embodying "the fact
that the trustees do not deem it expedient to pass the ...plate."
[Abst.] May 3, 1905, trustees voted that the different organizations be notified that the trustees feel they will
require some assistance in order to meet current expenses and will count on them to lend their aid.
[U.C.] 1905 Lawn Party, 265 present. farce in one act, piano solo, vocal solo
[Abst.] Sept. 29, 1905, trustees accepted resignation of E. Aborn as Supt. of Sunday School a/c ill health. Voted
thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Euler for loan of piano for S.S. Recommended to society a reorganization of Trustees whereby
there would be 9 members to serve by rotation in office.
[SB] Oct.22,1905, "The Unitarian Church--Is It Christian?" - sermon preached by Rev. W.R.Hunt [responding
to exclusion of Unitarians by committee of National Federation of Churches] - "I have been asked by members of
our own church if it would not be better to give up the name, since it has been denied us ... Christianity is our
birhright. We are its trustees..."
[Alli.] Oct. 30, 1905 [Mrs Chamberlain,Pres.; Hettie W. Wilmot, Rec.Sec.] Voted to ask permission of Trustees for
Alliance to hold Exec meetings in the Boys Club Room and regular meetings in the Assembly Room ...
[Abst.] Dec. 3, 1905, society considered recommendation on reorganization of Trustees but upon objection that there
might be legal obstacles the chair appointed a committee to recommend action.
[Alli.] Dec. 4, 1905. To ask that 2 members of Unity Club be apptd to serve with Mrs Yeaw (chair of Housekeeping
Com.) to see that the Parish House was left in order after Unity Club had used it.
[Alli.] Dec.12, 1905, purely social meeting - 35 or 40 att - "mostly the devoted few"
[Abst.] Dec. 13, 1905, trustees voted to recommend that Mr. Hunt be authorized to accept the Presidency of the
Children's Aid Society and that the necessary time to fulfill his duties to that Society be willingly conceded.
[Min.] Dec.13, 1905, collection on Christmas Sunday for extinguishment of the debt authorized.
[Abst.] Dec.24, 1905, society voted 9 trustees to be elected at the annual meeting in Jan., 1906, and the trustees
so elected shall divide themselves by lot into 3 classes of 3 each - the first for 1 year, the second for two years and
the third for 3 years. And that thereafter at annual meetings 3 trustees shall be elected for 3 years. No person shall
be eligible for reelection within 1 year after the expiration of his term of office.
[Min.] Social Settlement boys be allowed to hold an entertainment in the Parish House.
[U.C.] Jan.8, 1906 annual meeting. Pres Mr Stewart, VP Mr Colvin, Treas. Guy Chase, Secy Miss Frances Nelson.
[Abst.] Jan. 16, 1906, annual meeting. [58 present (36 voting members)] Treasurer's report:
[Min.] Jan. 16, 1906, Mr. Hunt's report: "The territory to which the church ministers extends from
Arlington on the east to Short Hills on the west, from Glen Ridge on the north to Newark on the south.
It includes 10 townships and 120 families ... impossible to make of it anything like a neighborhood church..."
Unity Club: "at the annual New Year's party we all appreciated most fully the advantages to us of the Parish House,
since we were not troubled by the public element that had encroached upon us at ... Berkeley Hall."
[Alli.] Jan.29, 1906 ... Mrs Wilmot ... comm.of one to solicit material and call a cutting committee to
provide for the charities neglected so far this season ...
[Abst.] Feb. 5, 1906, trustees elected Mr. Aborn, Pres. vice Mr. Euler, resigned [and authorized electric light
over door of Parish House].
[Mens Club] Apr. 10, 1906, first meeting; elected Pres. Henry W. Hall, VP Jos L Seiler, Secy-Treas. Fred H. Colvin.
[Mens Club] [date?] 2nd meeting, "Mr.Hunt explained the object in view in organizing the club and referred
to an invitation from the Men's Club of the Munn Ave. Presb. Ch. to co-operate with them in 'Civic Affairs.' ... After
considerable discussion it was decided to inaugurate a class for the discussion of 'Current Events'to meet every Sunday at
the close of the morning service ... for the present confined exclusively to men."
[Alli.] May 4, 1906, 26 present ... Cheerful Letter report ... Charlotte Schetter resigning ... the Post Office
Mission being entirely sectarian was more limited and was being carried on by Mr & Mrs Hunt, out of which has
grown the 'Church of All Souls' with a membership of 22. They have subscribed $46 which has more than paid the
[Abst.] Oct. 9, 1906, trustees accepted resignation of Mr. French as trustee and Sec. Mr. Euler elected Sec.
[U.C.] Oct. 25, 1906 - meeting called because church in need of funds - asked Unity Club to raise $100.
[U.C.] Nov. 9, 1906 - Taffy Pull, 60 att. "A general stickiness prevailed."
[Abst.] Dec. 18, 1906, trustees refused request of Mrs. Wilson Ferrand for a certificate of good standing on
the ground that she has ceased for the last three years to contribute to the support of the Church. Her name was
dropped. Adopted resolution on the death of William C. Swift, June 1 [born and educated a Unitarian].
[Alli.] Jan. 10, 1907 ... the housekeeper of the church Mrs Euler be empowered to buy a door mat for the vestibule
[Abst.] Jan. 21, 1907, annual meeting. Report of Treasurer, balance 10.60.
Women's Alliance had contributed 400 to Church.
Unity Club had contributed 100 to Church.
Sunday School, 11 classes, 79 pupils, average attendance 77. Had contributed 40 to Church.
Trustees elected, Mrs. F. B. Lane, Chas A Claflin, Fred H. Colvin.
[Abst.] Jan. 21, 1907, trustees elected Mr. Aborn Pres, Mr. Dudley Treas., Mr. Euler Sec.
Adopted resolution on the death of Mrs. Browning, Oct. 17, 1906.
[Abst.] Mar. 18, 1907, trustees renewed contract with Mr. Decker as organist.
[Alli.] May 13, 1907. Declined YMCA appeal for sheets - "as a Unitarian could have no vote in their
organization and as they were receiving good rent for their rooms we saw no reason for their begging sheets."
[Mens Club] May 20, 1907, 2nd annual meeting, followed by chafing dish supper prepared by Messrs Aborn, Manter
and Chace. Elected Pres. Henry M. Hall, VP L.L.Perry, Secy-Tr Fred H Colvin. [added note:] "The removal of
both Mr Hall and Mr Perry made it necessary to elect new officers..." Pres. Benson Priest, VP John Montieth.
[letterhead: Fred H. Colvin, Mechanical Engineer & Publisher, 30 North Maple Ave, East Orange]
22 members; dues 50 cents - $11.00
dues paid [NJ] Federation of Mens Clubs, $3
postage in notification of meetings, $6.92
special postal cards for Mr. Poreters address, $2.50
[Alli.] Oct 3, 1907, Exec.Bd. mtg held on the steps of the Parish House. May Swain, Rec.Sec.
[Alli.] Oct. 8, 1907. ... "Postals containing appeals from other Alliances for help in their fairs were
read and it was voted that they should be put in the scrap-basket" ... sale of cook books ... "experience
meeting&qupt; ... called on each member to tell of her experiences in earning her dollar during the past season.
Alliance to donate $10 to the Unitarian Church in Elizabeth... Subject "The New Thought Movement"
... $200 to Church.
[Abst.] Oct. 22, 1907, trustees voted to Mr. Hunt $200. that had been especially contributed.
[Min.] Nov.25, 1907 ... Mr Stewart as chair of Special Committee on Music "reported of the great difficulty
in getting up an efficient choir, and recommended the improvement of the congregational singing."
[Alli.] Dec. 19, 1907. ..."request our president to write the trustees a letter of explanation and
protest to be read at their next meeting"
[U.C.] Jan. 7, 1908, ann.mtg. "Held in the upstairs room of the Parish House." Pres. E.T.Child,
VP Miss Alma Walker, Secy B.B.Priest, Ass't Secy. Miss Clara Coffin, Treas. G.P.Swain
[Alli.] Jan. 1908, Mrs Crane on Child Labor. 28 present
[Abst.] Jan. 20, 1908, annual meeting. Treasurer reported balance of 12.54.
Women's Alliance had contributed 225 to Church.
Unity Club had contributed 60 to Church.
Sunday School, 11 teachers, 60 pupils. Had contributed 40 to Church.
Trustees elected, Mrs. Dormitzer, Mr. Sexton, Mr. Sturtevant.
[Min.] Mr. Hunt's report - community work included Children's Aid Society, Public Bath Ass'n, State Conf. of
Charities.. "undisputed fact that the growing appreciation of our church by other churches is due to this
branch of his work."
... Mens Club, falling off in attend. partly due to removals; "taking up consecutive work in reading and discussion
of interesting and instructive books."
[Abst.] Jan. 20, 1908, trustees elected Mr. Aborn Pres., Mr. Claflin Treas., Mr. Colvin Sec.
[U.C.] Jan. 31, 1908, January Social, 45 present - each requested to wear something indicative of their birth month.
[Alli.] Feb. 11, 1908. Over 40 present. Rev. Helen Van Anderson, founder of the Church of the Higher Life in Boston.
[Alli.] Mar. 10, 1908. Meeting held in the upper room of the Parish house. 20 present. Decided to loan sewing
machine to the Bureau of Associated Charities. ... Pres Mrs Sturtevant, VP Mrs Donnell
[U.C.] Mar. 27, 1908 - book emblems and pictures taken when a child
[Mens Club] Apr. 5, 1908, voted to contribute $1 toward expenses of Advisory Council of Mens Clubs [and churches
of the Oranges]; treasurer contributed amount of deficiency (1.15) to the Club.
[U.C.] Apr.8, 1908 - 12 members of the Unity Club attended reception of YMCA to young peoples societies of the Oranges.
[Mens Club] Apr. 12, 1908, first meeting, address by John Montieth on Culture and its use in everyday life,
which was enjoyed by the few who attended... since then various topics have been discussed, usually with a much
smaller attendance than last year... several Sundays on book Sin and Society ...
discussion of proposed East Orange Sunday closing ordinance, included two members of City Council ...
voted in favor of a dinner of all the Mens Clubs in the Oranges.
[Mens Club] Apr. 19, 1908, resolution passed on account of discussion of the Sunday closing ordinance in
East Orange: "Resolved that the club is positively opposed to the enactment of any laws curtailing or abridging
the rights of any and all citizens only so far as is positively necessary for the general good of the public or
extending privilege to the few not enjoyed by the many that rights of all be carefully conserved recognizing that
the loliest have rights which must be respected in order that justice may be done to all." C.E.Cowell, Secy.
[Mens Club] Apr. 26, 1908, voted to assume the indebtedness incurred by the committees of the church men who
had the matter of the mens Supper in charge. Program comm. requested to report on May 3 regarding the Smoker to
be held at an early date.
[Mens Club] May 10, 1908, meeting notice [re the May 15 meeting]: &qupt;The meeting will be a smoker."
[Alli.] May 12, 1908, avg. att.of 8 meetings: 22. P.O. Mission ... sent Christian Register and New Harvard
Theological Quarterly to the Orange libraries. Gave church $225 in year.
[Mens Club] May 15, 1908, Nomin. com had no selection. Pres. Carlton H. Manter, VP Wm. H. Aborn, Secy-Tr. C.E. Cowell.
Mr. Black (Editor of the N.Y. Sunday World) address, "the Press and influence of the Press in a Democracy.
" "The Labor Union members gave us a visit with a large delegation."
[U.C.] June 6, 1908, Lawn Party again at grounds of Mr. and Mrs George Merck, Llewellyn Park. Attendance noticeably
smaller than last year. Repeated playlet "Albany Depot"
[U.C.] Sept.25, 1908 business meeting. Deficit financially at Lawn Party. Notices said "you" instead of
"you and your friends"
[Mens Club] Oct. 4, 1908 [per letter of Oct.26,1908 from W.H. Aborn to C.E.Cowell,Esq] - appointed committee to act
with similar committee from the Womens Alliance--to arrange for a meeting to hear some of the papers read at the late
convention on tuberculosis at Wash. DC. Also moved "that the Club give a smoker at an early date to discuss
the winter work of the Club"
[Mens Club] Oct. 11, 1908, "Resolved that the sense of the club is in favor of Local Option as a principle
in regard to granting liquor licenses in cities and towns and boroughs as comprising political units. Also resolved
that this club does not endorse candidates or political parties."
[Mens Club] Oct. 18, 1908, Rev. Mr. Roeder spoke on the subject non-partisan school board. List of 7 members
paying in 25 cents.
[Mens Club] Nov. 7, 1908, John Montieth (of South Orange) on "The Day of Rest and How to Maintain It."
[Newspaper clipping:] Resolution passed, "that the education and stimulation of public sentiment ... is the
wisest and most efficient method toward preserving and extending the benefits of Sunday ... that the advisory council ...
appeal to the various golf clubs of the Oranges to cease the employment of caddies on Sunday ..." (some debate
on the last clause).
[Mens Club] Nov. 14, 1908, committee apptd "to consider time of meeting and shall we attend the open exercises
of the Sunday School" and committee "to invite the Ladies to hear Mr. Aborn's address on the Servant in the house.
[Mens Club] Nov.29,1908, decided to "commence at 12 o'clock and declare a recess to 12.15 for social intercourse
and opportunity to attend the opening service of the Sunday School." Committee apptd to confer with the trustees
"to secure the beginning and closing of the church services at the appointed time."
[Mens Club] Dec. 14, 1908, special meeting, church census of the Oranges endorsed; subscription to be taken up ...
70 thousand people, 12 to 14 thousand residences ... cost $900 to $1000. "...Pastor Hunt was requested to attend
the meeting the 17th."
"Resolved that this club is in favor of charities on a general comprehensive scheme not only one charity but all
[U.C.] Jan. 1, 1909. New Years Party, held in Parish House
[Mens Club] Jan. 3, 1909 ... "a request from boys club was read, on motion ordered that a delegation be sent...
" Notice of Third Annual Meeting... "The Pastor Rev. H. R. Hunt will give a family talk.
Light refreshments will be served. Each is requested to bring his smoking materials. Kindly mail the reply postal
by return mail."
[U.C.] Jan. 4, 1909. Pres Mr J.P.Rodman Jr, VP MIss Alma Walker, Secy Miss Clara Josephine Coffin, Treas.
George P. Swain.
[Mens Club] Jan. 12, 1909, annual meeting. Pres C.H. Manter, VP Oliver J. Matthews, Secy & Treas. C.E. Cowell.
"Pastor Hunt addressed the club ... On motion ordered that one of the meetings of the club be once a month
in the evening in the shape of a smoker. ... Moved that we take a rising vote to decide the advisability to
amalgamate with the Alliance study club - 8 in favor, 3 opposed [pencil:] 22 present. Comm. apptd to confer with
the Alliance.
[Abst.] Jan.18, 1909, annual meeting. Treasurer reported balance of 13.46.
Women's Alliance, 52 members, average attendance 25.
Unity Club, 90 members. Had contributed 100 to Church.
Sunday School, 11 teachers, 46 pupils, aver. attendance 52.
Men's club, attendance from 5 to 15.
Trustees elected, Mrs. Chamberlin, Mr. Dudley & Mr.Fiske.
Voted Henry F. Hitch Honorary President of the Society.
[Abst.] Jan. 18, 1909, trustees elected Mr. Dudley Pres., Mr. Claflin Treas., Mr. Colvin Sec.
[U.C.] 1909 January Social , 26 Unity Club members. a Salmagundi party, with fiffle-de-?ibs, parcheesi, dominoes...
[Mens Club] Feb. 7, 1909, "Mr Schlechenger called attention to [?] show Main St above Essex Street.
On motion ordered that a committee be appointed on civic affairs [] nickledrome & police. Chair appointed Mr.
Schlechenger such committee."
"... the women were willing to join an amalgamated class to be a Good Citizens or Good Services class."
Motion to consolidate with the womens study class: present 13, for 9, against 3.
[U.C.] Feb. 26, 1909. dainty red heart-shaped booklets...guessing contest of Shakespeare's plays ... operatic
records and some of a lighter nature - delivered by a Victor Talking machine ... dancing followed until twelve.
[Mens Club] Mar. 7, 1909, "Met with study class. On motion organized a new organization composed of women
and men to be called Good Services Class.... Wm H Aborn elected leader " ,,,studies will commence Apr.4th
[Mens Club] Mar.14, 1909, "....addressed by Mr Monteidt on duty to church. On motion ordered we arrange
for [Rolley?] Day"
[Mens Club] Mar. 17, 1909 - smoker ... "Mr Perry gave a very excellent address on his experiences in Brazil"
17 present
[U.C.] Mar. 21, 1909 - Young Peoples Society of Montclair entertained several members of the Unity Club at a
sheet and pillowcase party in their church hall. "dancing was indulged in and a mock sermon caused much
laughter ... The last car on the Cross Town line made a departure before twelve necessary."
[U.C.] Mar. 26, 1909 - draw book titles; writing of limericks...
[Mens Club] Mar. 28, 1909 - 8 present. "On motion ordered that when we adjourn we adjourn to the call of the chair.
[Mens Club] Apr. 9, 1909 - monthly smoker - 18 present, 7 strangers. "Mr Murphy of N.York addressed the club
on single tax."
[U.C.] Apr. 23, 1909 - cotillion - to people - hall decorated with many college banners, crepe paper and large American
flag. ice cream and cake ... novelty the "Billiken Two Step" ...informal dancing continued until almost two o'clock.
The extreme smoothness of the floor caused several falls. 14 members of the Y.P.S. of theMontclair Church attended.
[Abst.] Apr. 27, 1909, trustees requested House & Grounds Comm. to get estimates of cost of installing a furnace,
building a chimney, etc. for heating Parish House. Voted to ask Women's Alliance for 225 this year.
[Min.] Apr.27,1909 - Mr Hunt was granted permission to have the grounds back of the church used as a garden by
two Italians.
[Mens Club] May 28, 1909, resolution on death of wife of Pres. Carlton H. Manter.
[Mens Club] notice of June 11,1909 meeting ] "the industrial situation of the Oranges caused by the Hatters'
strike" - Mr Moffit, Pres. of National Hatters Union and others to speak.
[Mens Club] June 11, 1909, resolved: "That we deeply regret the present unfortunate conditions in the
Hatters trade and earnestly hope that a permanent and just settlement may soon be reached. That we demand at all times
the maintenance of law and order and firmly uphold the authorities in the inforcement of same."
[SB] 1909 Lawn Party ... Unity Club - 'The Bull Terrier and the Baby' cast: Alma R. Walker, R.S.Sturtevant,
Mrs E.F. Chamberlin, Wallace G. Stewart, Aurora Stewart, Harold Claflin.
[U.C.] Oct 29, 1909 - Hallowe'en, 44 att. pumpkins most attractive though they interfered with dancing. Dancing
continued until nearly 12 o'clock.
[Mens Club] Oct.31, 1909, James R. Heath elected Pres. to fill vacancy. Attendance 10.
[SB] Nov.26, 1909 (Fri.eve.) Unity Club - 'The Revolving Wedge,' cast of eight.
[Mens Club] Dec. 1909 meeting was with the Mens Club of Mann Ave Presb. Ch. by invitation; 15 members attended...
[Abst.] Dec. 9, 1909, trustees adopted a resolution on the death of Mrs. Margaret Lyman Aborn, Aug. 16, 1909.
Voted to hold a special service on Sunday, Jan. 16, 1910, to commemorate the 20th. anniversary of the society.
[SB] Dec.18, 1909 - 'The Christmas Guest,' one-act play by The Junior Alliance for XMas celebr. of the Sunday
School, Sat p.m. (cast of twelve)
[U.C.] Jan. 1, 1910, New Years Party. 110 att, prominent members of the church acting as patroneses.
Unitarian Calender v.2 no.5, Jan.1910. Social Service Class topics (12:10 Sundays):
- Jan. 9 - 'The Sallon as an Enemy to Society' - by a rep. of the Anti-Saloon League
- Jan.16 - 'The Square Deal] by Hugh F. Fox, Secy, National Brewer's Ass'n
- Jan.23 - 'The Saloon in the Community' - by a rep. of the Retail Liquor Dealer's Ass'n
- Jan.30 - 'The Social Question' - Mr. Camillus G. Kidder, Pres., Orange Board of Excise
[U.C.] Jan.10, 1910, Pres. Miss Clara Josephine Coffin, VP Miss Alma Walker, Secy Walter Hartley, Ass't Secy
Miss Mabel Hartley, Treas. Roland Smith.
[Mens Club] notice of Jan.14, 1910 meeting, signed by James R. Heath Pres., co-signed by
C.E.Cowell Secy., 28 South Sixth St, Newark. Cyril H. Burdett to speak on "What Unitarian Laymen can do
for the Church and the Community."
[Mens Club] annual report. Since discontinuance of Sunday noon sessions (to join with Womens Alliance in
Social Service Class) the club meets monthly, with speakers on practical subjects. Membership at start of year 48;
3 removed: C.Manter (to Boston), C.H.Lee & L.L.Perry; 11 joined; present number 56. Edw. Aborn delegate to
the organization of all the mens clubs of the Oranges.
[Abst.] Jan. 17, 1910, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 4,105.45 |
Balance | 89.94 |
Sunday School, 9 teachers, 51 pupils.
Women's Alliance had contributed 300 to Church.
Junior Alliance formed during the year.
Unity Club had given 75 to Church.
Men's Club, attendance from 12 to 20.
Trustees elected, Miss Sylvia Hitch, Mr. Heath & Mr. Child.
[Abst.] Jan. 17, 1910, trustees elected Mr. Dudley Pres., Mr. Sturtevant Sec., Mr. Fiske Treas.
[SB] Jan.17, 1910, Newark Evening News - "Changed View on Unitarians: No Longer Ostracized, as
Was Case When Orange Church was Organized ... it has come to be recognized as one of the leading churches
of the community, overcoming the prejudice that was exhibited toward the denomination when the church was
started.... addresses by Henry F. Hitch and Rev. Edw. Hale ... both ... made reference to the bitter
prejudice which the Unitarian movement encountered in Essex County at its inception. It was stated that
for a long time after the church was ... organized the only other denomination that was willing to co-operate
with it was the Swedenborgian. ... the other churches in the Oranges, with the single exception of the
New Church, declined allintercourse with the Unitarians ... the first stand that we took on a public issue
with the other churches was when the late Dr. Storrs, pastor of First Presbyterian, called the pastors of
the Oranges together to protest against the racetrack scandal."
[SB] Jan.17,1910 Orange Chronicle ... H.F.Hitch, with candle emlematic of spiritual light with which
church started, passed to pupil from each class of Sunday School, gathered at baptismal font. ... Mr. Hunt
in a recent report said this church occupies a place in the charitable work of this community out of all
proportion to its membership - some of our members active in the Bureau of Associated Charities, the ambulance service,
Children's Aid and Protective Society, Day Nursery, public bath, free libraries, social settlement...
church has membership of about 250.
[Mens Club] Jan. 21, 1910 (postponed from Jan.14), members present: Pastor Hunt, Pres. Heath, VP Matthews,
E. Aborn, Mr Colvin, and Secy. Cowell.
[U.C.] "The weather was of the usual variety specially reserved for Unity Club nights--stormy."
Parlor games; exhibit of mental telepathy; a book-guessing contest.
[Mens Club] Feb. 11, 1910, Mens Club of 1st Presby.Ch. invited us to unite in a missionary crusade ... declined
with thanks. Officers elected: Pres. Heath, VP Ernest T. Childs, Secy-Treas. C.E.Cowell. Mr. Colvin spoke on
relation of employer with employee - especially concerning machine shop and apprentices. 11 present.
[Mens Club] Mar.11, 1910, Mr Hoffman on Employers Liability. 19 present, incl. Pastor Hunt.
[U.C.] Mar. 12, 1910, Magazine party - illustrations posed by several members of the church - "all the
features usually found in a modern magazine--poetry, fiction, humor, dramas, and a large amount of advertising....
new set of screens used for first time"
[U.C.] Mar. 18, 1910, "amateur night... eject Mr [Alphabet?] Stewart ... because of keeping hat on and smoking"
[Abst.] Mar. 23, 1910, trustees voted leave of absence to Mr. Hunt from May 19 to about Sept. 15 to enable him
to take a trip to Europe. Voted to obtain estimates of cost of heating the Parish House and installing a new
furnace in the Church.
[SB] Mar.27, 1910, Easter. "At the close of the sermon there will be a christening service for such children
as may be presented for baptism."
[Mens Club] notice of Apr. 8, 1910 meeting: subject, The Saloon
[Mens Club] Apr. 8, 1910. Resolution condemning "disgraceful and indecent scenes which marked the
closing of the recent legislature" (reference: Newark Evening News Apr.8)
[Abst.] Apr. 17, 1910, society adopted a resolution on the death of Rev. John Perkins Forbes of Brooklyn.
[Mens Club letterhead] James R. Heath, Pres., 95 Hillside Ave, West Orange; C.E. Cowell, Secy, 60 So. 12th St,
Newark (rubber stamp: Carpenter & Builder, 27 Bell St, Orange); Ernest T. Child, V.P., 70 Mt. Pleasant Ave,
West Orange; Rev. Walter Reid Hunt, Pastor, 21 Clarendon Pl, Orange.
[U.C.] Apr.22, 1910, annual cotillion
[Mens Club] notice of May 13, 1910 meeting - Thomas F. Walsh, Sup't of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Children, N.Y. [personal friend of James Heath] - but unable to attend because of throat operation [letter, May 9]
[Mens Club] May 13, 1910. 20 present. Mr Abbott spoke on work of children's aid society.
[Mens Club] May 14, 1910. Resolution favoring absolute prohibition of explosives etc on Fourth of July as
expressed in Cleveland Ohio ordinances [noted in Newark Eve. News, May 14, 1910]
[SB] May 28, 1910, Annual Lawn Party, by Unity Club for the children of the Sunday School, as usual on the grounds
of Mr. George Merck, Llewellyn Park.
[Abst.] Sep. 21, 1910, trustees elected Mr. Child Sec. vice Mr. Sturtevant, resigned.
[SB] Unit.Cal.v.3,no.1, Sept.1910 - Sept.25 - Communion service at the close of the morning service.
[Mens Club] Oct. 21, 1910. Committee of arrangements for mens table at fair Dec. 8 & 9 appointed:
Chair E.T.Childs; Edward Aborn, 28 E.Park St, E.O.; Walter Hartley, 209 N.11th St, Nwk; J.M.Fiske, 63 Wash.St. E.O.;
Wm. H. Aborn, 563 Park Ave, E.O.; J.A.E.Stewart, 322 Midland Ave, E.O.; Fred H. Colvin, 56 N.Maple Ave, E.O.;
Jas.R. Heath, 95 Hillside Ave. W.O.; Oliver J. Matthews, 83 N.Munn Ave. E.O.; B.B.Priest, 28 S.Grove St, E.O.;
C.E.Cowell; Rev. Walter Reid Hunt.
[U.C.] Oct.28, 1910 - silhouettes thrown against a screen
[U.C.] Nov.5, 1910 "A Trip to the West Indies"
[Mens Club] Nov.11,1910 (planning for fair)
[Abst.] Dec. 19, 1910, trustees voted that the society consider the question of installing a new heating
apparatus in the Parish House at a cost of 750.
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[Alli.] [undated Alliance annual report inserted loose in minute book-- for year 1910?]
39 members, dropped 13 for various reasons -
8 removals - 2 wished to attend Christ Church for social reasons.
Attendance unusually large 22-23-28...
37 at XMas meeting -
incl. 8 members and guests of the Junior Alliance
proceeds of annual fair $562.74, of this $475 in hands of trustees - $90 paid bal. of Alliance pledge toward
salary of organist for year 1910.
Friendly Aid committee - 259 articles collected (165 in 1909) - distributed among 10 hospitals and philanthropic
societies of Orange.
Post Office Mission - 25 correspondents - 600 sermons and leaflets going into 13 states.
Cheerful Letter - 8 members - 13 correspondents - "several having been dropped who proved unworthy"
Library of 42 volumes sent to Hobgood, N.D. - now collecting another, 4 lb. of books to go to lay center in
Jamaica, B.W.I.
Looking forward proper provision of work to interest the older boys...
Laura R Donnell, Pres.
[U.C.] Jan. 2, 1911, New Years Party, "Refined Vaudeville"
[Mens Club] Jan. 13, 1911, annual meeting, 6 present. Net receipts from men's table at fair, $156. Elected James R. Heath
Pres., Ernest Childs V.P., C.E. Cowell Sec-Tr.
[Abst.] Jan. 16, 1911, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 3,857.15 |
Balance | 67.41 |
[ 184 members ]
Sunday school, 8 teachers, 40 pupils, gave 25 to Church.
Women's Alliance, 39 members, av. attendance 25, gave Church 47.
Unity Club, av. attendance 42, gave 70 to Church.
Voted to refer back to Trustees question of heating Parish House.
Trustees elected, Miss Mary E. Swan, Mr. Euler & Mr. Stewart.
[Min/] 1911 - Junior Alliance, 9 members, 2 associate members; Miss Geraldin Wilmot Pres. With the money
raised by performance of Mrs Jarley's waxworks, "they have been able to provide one little girl with
glasses and send another to Bradley Beach. It provided a reader for one week to tell stories to the children
at the Orange Playground, and ... scrap books for the Orthopaedic Hospital."
[Abst.] Jan. 16, 1911, trustees elected Mr. Dudley Pres, Mr. Fiske Treas and Mr. Child Sec.
[Mens Club] Feb. 10, 1911, met at residence of Pastor Hunt. Addressed by Joseph F. Byers, former sup't of
Boys' House of Refuge, Randalls Island.
[Mens Club] Mar.9, 1911, listened to address by Prof. [?] on Work. Present: 10 members, 2 visitors, and Prof.
[U.C.] Mar. 28, 1911, Italy, lantern slide show, Mr. Hunt
[Mens Club] Apr. 13, 1911, listened to address on social purity by Dr. N. Gray. Secy requested to furnish names
of 30 or more who can be relied on to sustain the club. 17 present.
[Mens Club] May 8, 1911. Treas.Rept: total receipts from all sources for 5 years, $346.79. Comm. of 12 apptd
to co-operate with the Ladies...to make the fair a success.
[Min. of Jan.15,1912] May 21, 1911 - Sun.Sch.met for outdoor worship at top of a neighboring mountain.
[U.C.] June 3, 1911, Lawn Party, Mercks', bad weather but 40 att.
[SB] June 5, 1911 Newark News, closing exercise of Sunday School - pins to 11 for perfect attendance,
and to Miss Mary E. Swan, teacher of the banner class.
[Mens Club] Sept. 21, 1911 ... approve plan of having some laymen speak on rally Sunday.
[Mens Club] Oct. 9, 1911. notice of meeting Oct.15 "of the men of the Church under the auspices of the
Men's Club ... to devise ways and means of increasing the efficiency of the church..." Bd of Trustees invited,
A number of members of the Church regard this meeting of vital importance... Mr Hunt's remarks on this subject from
the pulpit last Sunday.
[Mens Club] [Oct 15, 1911] 13 attendance, 7 trustees. "at this meeting of laymen and directors ... resolved that
we extend to our pastor our best wishes and that we pledge him our heartiest support" - unanimously passed.
[Mens Club] Nov.9, 1911. "...ordered that we order a musical and literary entertainment in the Parish House
and the Men's Club stand for the expense and turn in the gross receipts to the church."
J.A.E. Stewart, 322 Midland Ave, E.O. Nathan W. Perkins, 130 So. Parkway, E.O.
[U.C.] Nov.24, 1911, acted out proverbs
[SB] Nov.30,1911 (Thurs.) "The churches of this neighborhood will meet in a common union service in the
First Presbyterian Church, corner of Main and Day."
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[U.C.] Jan. 1912 - Pres. Nathan W. Perkins, VP Mrs Roland J Smith, Treas Mrs Edw.F. Chamberlain, Secy. Charles H. Colvin,
Ass't Secy. Miss Marion Olson.
[Mens Club] Jan. 11, 1912. Mens Table at Fair, receipts net over $200. Committee of 2 apptd to raise the
amount to decorate the Sunday School room. Elected, Pres. Wm H Aborn, VP Ernest Child, Rec.Sec. & Tr. C.E. Cowell,
Corr.Sec. Octave P. Ebeling.
[Abst.] Jan. 14, 1912, trustees voted to recommend to society the installation of a steam heating plant
for the Parish House.
[Abst.] Jan. 15, 1912, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 3,409.48 |
Balance | 139.91 |
Approved the installation of steam heating plant with new chimney in Parish House at not over 800. Trustees authorized
to borrow that amount.
Voted that the Treasurer may be a non-member of the Board.
Sunday School, 10 teachers & officers, 68 pupils. Gave 25 to Church.
Women's Alliance, raised 711.31 by fair. Gave 675 to Church.
Unity Club membership 69. Gave 51.65 to Church.
Trustees elected: Mrs. Dormitzer, Mr. E. Aborn, Mr. Sheldon.
[Min.] Jan.15,1912 - committee to increase efficiency of the church... a patrol of Boy Scouts started ...
Historian's report (Carrie D. Chamberlin), scrap book has been kept up to date... Junior Alliance not so prosperous,
"the interest of the older members has nearly died out... we take care of flowers for the church ... "
W.R.Hunt elected Pres. of Ministerial Ass'n of the Oranges (in 1911).
[Abst.] Jan. 15, 1912, trustees elected Mr. Heath Pres, Mr. Euler Treas and Mr. Child Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 29, 1912, trustees elected Mrs. W. B. Donnell trustee vice Miss Hitch, resigned.
[U.C.] Feb. 2, 1912, social, "The Green Knight" read and enacted in tableaux. chafing dish supper of
"Red-Devil" - about 40 present.
[U.C.] Feb. 23, 1912, dance
[Mens Club] Feb. 28, 1912. Fred Colvin spoke on recent semi-official trip to Panama Canal. Comm. of 2 to co-op.
with Womens Alliance on reception for S.S. officers and teachers.
[Mens Club] Mar 27, 1912. Entertainment: sold 105 tickets, $52.50. Violinist $5, Piano $9, printing and postage 13.25,
Nelson 1.00. Net $24.25. Entertainment by the Blind to be given Apr.17
[U.C.] Mar. 29, 1912, social, at home of Mrs Houghout; clay modelling contest; piano
[U.C.] May 3, 1912, play "The Taming of the Shrew" - company managed by Edward Aborn
[Mens Club] May 10, 1912. Comm. on entertainment of blind be continued. Voted contrib. of Mens Club for Heating Plant
be $75. Comm. to assist at Lawn Party included Miss Stewart.
[U.C.] June 8, 1912, Lawn Party, at Mercks'. Play by some of the members of Trinity Sun. Sch. Miss Stewart's
Sun.Sch. class arranged May-Pole dance. Races and games.
[U.C.] Nov. 1, 1912, "old fashioned Salamagundi Party" games incl. avagamo, quoits, jack-straws. cider,
doughnuts, cheese. short dance.
[U.C.] Nov. 8, 1912, two plays - Mr. Oliver J. Matthews managed and starred in both.
[U.C.] Nov. 22, 1912 - Rev. Charles Townsend, lectured on "A Few Summer Weeks in Brittany," illust. with
lantern-slides. "The poor working of the stereopticon would have occasioned some annoyance but for the cleverness
and wit of the lecturer."
[U.C.] Dec. 30, 1912 = with balance of $92.43, voted $85 to the church.
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[U.C.] 1913 New Years Party program: Miss Gertrude Lee [a former member of the Club] in interpretive and folk dances.
Miss Ida Pratt furnished the music for the dancing.
[Mens Club] notice of meeting of Jan.16 [1913]: "Brother N.S. Hill Jr. of Christs Church Mens Club will talk to
us on water pollution, illustrated." 9 members and 2 visitors and speaker present.
[Abst.] Jan. 20, 1913, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures - | Parish House heating plant | 638.35 | |
| Other | 3,378.67 | 4,017.02 |
Balance | | | 171.95 |
Cost of Parish House heating plant raised by subscription.
Sunday school, 5 officers, 11 teachers, 36 pupils, 12 adult pupils. Gave 25 to Church and 50 toward heating plant.
Women's Alliance raised from fair 728.98, gave 505 to Church, 150 toward Organist salary and 50 toward heating plant.
Unity Club gave 85 to Church.
Junior Alliance gave 10 toward heating plant.
Trustees elected, Mrs. Donnell, Mr. Cowell and Mr. Priest.
[Min.] Jan.20, 1913 - present method of voluntary contributions not adequate for Treasurer's regular disbursements ...
Minister's report, stressing importance of large attendance, "especially at a church like ours, which is not
a neighborhood church ..."
[SB] Jan.21, 1913 Orange Chronicle, article on annual meeting - " ... plans were under way for
inaugurating a neighborhood settlement work of far reaching influences, on a much larger scale than anything
attempted in the past."
[SB] Unit. Cal. v.5, no.6, Feb.1913 "... An adult Bible class conducted by Mr Cowell meets with the
[Sunday] School and is taking up a study of our Unitarian faith."
[Min/] Feb. 2, 1913, special trustees meeting, granted request from Mrs Garrison for use of Sunday School room for
an overflow meeting of the equal suffrage meeting to be held in Orange Theatre Feb.9
[Abst.] Feb. 5, 1913, trustees elected Mrs. Charlotte O. Schetter trustee vice Miss Swan, deceased.
[Min.] trustees voted to pass plates at one or two experimental Sunday evening meetings ...
[Mens Club] notice of meeting of Feb. 13, 1913 - "Brother F.W.Thomson will give us a plain talk on
certain phases of railroad strikes, and the Employers Liability proposition. This talk will be meaty, the
speakers point of view will probably arouse considerable opposition ..."
[Mens Club] Feb 13, 1913 ...ordered that the women be invited to attend the next meeting.
[Abst.] Feb. 24, 1913, conference of Trustees with officers of Church auxiliaries--Sunday School, Women's Alliance,
Unity Club, Men's Club & Junior Alliance. Pres. read a list of what he considered a fair and necessary amount
for each auxiliary to contribute toward the expenses of the Church. It was agreed that efforts would be made to meet
these objectives.
[U.C.] Feb. 28, 1913 social, guessing birds represented by pictures
[Mens Club] notice of Mar.21 [1913] meeting- Orin C Baker, Gen.Secy.of Travelers Aid Society. "ladies of
your household" invited, "informal dress"
[U.C.] Mar. 31, 1913 - "Through Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Edison's chief assistant, the Club was invited to come
to his laboratory on Valley Road, to a lecture on moving pictures of Crystals and the new Talking Moving Pictures."
[SB] Apr.1,1913, financial report of first three months ' "I had to make a loan, as is customary at this time
of year, to meet our obligations ..."
[Abst.] Apr. 4, 1913, trustees received report from E. Aborn that circulars had been sent to 82 members and friends
(the mailing list) asking for names of such persons as might be interested in the Church. Received 7 replies with a
total of 78 addresses representing from 150 to 200 persons.
[Abst.] May 5, 1913, trustees - average Sunday School attendance 40 to 50. Women's Alliance planned to hold a fair
in the Fall and will give the entire proceeds to the Church provided they be relieved of all responsibility for the
Organist's salary. Agreed.
[SB] May 11, 1913 (Sunday) - regular morning service and evening service: short devotional service conducted by
Mr Hunt. Dr. Friedlander, rabbi of the Jewish Synagogue, Orange, will give an address on 'the Essentials of Judaism.'
[U.C.] June 7, 1913, Lawn Party, at Mrs. Merck's. rained.
[Abst.] Sep. 15, 1913, trustees voted to arrange a special service in recognition of Mr. Hunt's 15 years service
as Minister and Mr. Decker's 10 years service as Organist. Mr. Sheldon presented his resignation as member and
Pres. of the Board because of removal. Accepted with regret. Mr. E. Aborn elected temporary Pres. Mr. O. J. Matthews
elected trustee vice Mr. Sheldon.
[Abst.] Oct. 12, 1913, society at special meeting adopted resolution on the death of Mr. Henry F. Hitch.
[Abst.] Oct. 26, 1913, trustees voted to hold an informal reception following the anniversary meeting on Oct. 27.
Mr. Matthews declined election as trustee.
[SB] Oct 26, 1913, commemorating 15 years of service of minister and 10 years of service of Mr Decker as organist.
Articles in Newark News and Orange Chronicle, quoting Mr. Hunt. "honest distrust of Unitarianism ... used to prevail ...
The changing population in the midst of which we are set makes the work of every church one of increasing difficulty..."
Evening exercises at Parish House, attended by clergy of the Swedenborgian church, Jewish synagogue, Bethel Presby. Ch.,
Orange Valley Congregational Ch. and Meth. Episc. Ch ... address by Dr Charles Townsend, pastor of First Presby., praising
W.R.Hunt's presidency of the Ministerial Ass'n of the Oranges, of the State Conf. of Charities and Corrections, of
Children's Aid and Protective Service of the Oranges. "blessed comity between people who love our common
God and Father and who find in Jesus an adequate interpretation of godliness in terms of humanity."
[U.C.] Oct. 31, 1913, social, between 10 and 15 present. Hallowe'en party... "ceremony of joining the monks"
[SB] Unit.Cal. v.8 no.3, Nov. 1913; Edward Aborn, President Pro Tem. Death of Henry Foster Hitch (Oct.)
[U.C..] Nov. 14, 1913, repeated a play given some years ago, with same cast. "As on nearly all Unity Club nights
it rained hard."
[Abst.] Nov. 16, 1913, trustees received letter from Mr. Matthews withdrawing his declination of election as trustee.
He was then elected.
[SB] Nov.27, 1913 (Thurs., Thanksgiving) The usual union services will be held in the First. Presby.Ch., corner
pf Main and Day.
[Abst.] Dec. 15, 1913, trustees voted thanks to Mr. Fiske for tree box and umbrella stand and to Mr. Heath for
window chains. 19 new members since Jan. 20, 1913.
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[Abst.] Jan. 19, 1914, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | repayment of loan | 250.00 | |
| Other | 3,636.48 | 3,886.48 |
Balance | | | .01 |
Trustees elected, Miss Charlotte O. Schetter, F. W. Thomson and W. S. Decker.
President reported that the effort to enlarge the membership by means of a circular sent to a list of names obtained
from other members yielded little or no result. Minister reported that there had been an evening service on one
Sunday in each month. There was special advertising and a use of invitations sent by mail. Difficult to trace any
accession of membership directly to these services. For 6 Sundays preceding Christmas a group of 16 to 25 met in
the Parish House in the afternoon to prepare Christmas music with much benefit to the Christmas service.
Report by Mrs. Chamberlin, historian.
Sunday School, average enrollment, 10 teachers & amp; officers, 41 pupils. Gave 50 to Church. Hale Club formed.
Women's Alliance, fair receipts 789.47, given to Church.
Unity Club gave to Church 95.
Men's Club gave to Church 96.
Junior Alliance gave to Church 30.55
[Abst.] Jan. 19, 1914, trustees elected Mr. Matthews Pres, Mr. Euler Treas and Mr. Priest Sec.
[U.C.] Jan. 1914 social. Prof. Hoffman, talk on Fancies, Facts, ands Figures. Junior Alliance read selections from
"A Thousand Years Ago."
[SB] Feb. 22, 1914, memorials to Mary Ella Swan: bas relief from de la Robbia's 'Cantoria' and photograph of
Botticelli's 'Tobias and the Angel'
[SB] Feb. 22, 1914 Weekly Calendar of the First Unitarian Church: morning service, 'The Contribution
of Religion to Patriotism'; special evening service - short devotional service, then reading of Morality Play 'Everyman'
[SB] Feb. 25, 1914, Ash Wed. - short Lenten service at 5 o'clock.
"A thing to remember: Strangers are very
liable to be impressed favorably or otherwise by the size of the congregation at the Sunday services."
[Cal.] Mar.1, 1914. Services at 10.45, Sunday School 12.05.
Mon.Mar.2,1914, union meeting of the churches
of the Oranges at Brick Presby., speaker on results of Balkan War.
Wed.Mar.4, regular meeting of the Edward Everett Hale Club.
Fri. Mar.6, dancing class ...
[U.C.] Mar. 1914 social. Talk on Hawaii by Mr Fisher. pictures shown by lantern. exhibition dancing by Mrs Louis Cate and
Mr Michael...
[Cal.] Mar.15,1914. "On each Sunday afternoon ... until Easter ... there will be held in the Parish House
at 4:30, a meeting for the proper preparation of the Easter music . . . "
Wed.eve. Mar.18, Men's Club Mock Senate entertainment.
[Cal.] Mar.22. "At the meeting ... last Sunday ... to prepare for the music on Easter, there were just 19 ...
present. We ought to have three times that number. We have ordered 100 copies of the carols which will be used..."
[Cal.] Mar.29,1914... Ushers [all year]: Franz Euler, Jr., Benjamin Aborn 2nd, Thomas Dudley, Austin Lane.
"Organizations of the Church"
- Sunday School, 12 o'clock, Mr. J.A.E.Stewart, Sup't
- Women's Alliance, 2nd Fri. ea.mo., 3 p.m., Parish Houe - Mrs Charles R. Wilmot, Pres.
- Unity Club, last Fri. ea.mo., 8:15, P.H. - Franz Euler, Jr., Pres.
- Men's Club, monthly meetings, on call, P.H. Mr. E.G. Dudley, Pres.
- Junior Alliance, meetings at homes of members, first Fri. ea.mo. 3 p.m., - Miss Margaret Aborn, Pres.
- Hale Club, first Wed. ea. month, 8 p.m., P.H. - Thomas Dudley,Pres.
[Abst.] May 4, 1914, trustees voted to accept with thanks Mr. W. H. Aborn's offer to present a pulpit as a
memorial to his Mother.
[Cal.] [May 3,1914] lawn party at grounds of Mr. George Merck..."automobiles will meet the trolley cars at the
Park gate from 2.30-3"
"...second open meeting of the Men's Club this year. There was some misunderstanding at the last open meeting.
The women are especially invited this time."
[U.C.] May 23, 1914, Lawn Party, at Mercks' - fine play by Junior Alliance, music by the band of the boys home at Verona.
[Abst.] Sep. 21, 1914, trustees received a report that two special services were planned for October - one,
a service of prayer for World peace and the other a dedication of the new pulpit given as a memorial to Mrs. Margaret
[U.C.] Oct. 1914, joint reception with Alliance, Jr. Alliance and Mens Club
[SB] Oct.18, 1914 - dedication of new pulpit, given by Wm. H.Aborn in memory of his mother Margaret Lyman Aborn -
of carved oak, designed by James McF. Baker.
[SB] Nov. 9, 1914 - 6 barrels and 2 boxes of gifts "for the European unfortunates" dispatched.
[Cal.] Nov.15,1914 ... Miss Aurora Stewart, teacher of the Kindergarten class ...
[Cal.] Nov.22,1914 "The Parish House still remains open on Saturday and Sunday, as a depot for the
reception of clothing and garments for the war sufferers. So far as is known it is the only depot in the Oranges ...
Dec.3 - Men's Club, Mock Trial
Dec.4 - all-day sewing for the Red Cross, 10-5
[Cal.] Dec.20,1914 = "The candlelight service was attended by a congregation which filled the church."
[SB] [late 1914 or early 1915]
[SB] "On Jan. 29, 1914, your Board of Trustees gave notice that the church had
adopted the policy of
depending upon the voluntary contributions of its members as the only source of supply for the money necessary
for its maintenance..." $3500 needed - total pledged and in hand $2800 - 2nd appeal to make up the $700 difference.
[SB] fler: Men's Religious Federation of Orange,NJ, Mon. Dec.28th,1914 at 8.15 PM, First Unitarian Church, speaker
Hon. Frank Moss [former Pres. Bd.of Police of NYC, former 1st Asst D.A.], subject 'Good Citizenship' -
"Religious men of Orange with or without church affiliation..."
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[Cal.] Jan.9 - pilgrimage of the Hale Club to places of interest in Manhattan.
[Abst.] Jan. 18, 1915, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Disbursements | 3,522.32 |
Balance | .02 |
Voted to amend the constitution to provide for regular meetings of the society on the 1st. Monday in April and October [and
to allow Board to fill vacancy until next regular meeting of the Church].
Trustees elected: Mrs. G. W. Booth, W. G. Taylor & O. J. Matthews.
The Minister reported the installation of Reliefs in the Parish House as memorial to Miss Ella Swan and of a pulpit as a
memorial to Mrs. Margaret Lyman Aborn.
14 new members during the year, 5 of whom came from S. School.
S. School enrollment 45. Gave to Church 20.
Women's Alliance enrollment 34. Average attendance 19. Gave to Church 125.
Men's club enrollment 26.
[Abst.] Jan. 18, 1915, trustees elected Mr. Matthews Pres., Mr. Euler Treas. and Mr. Priest Sec.
[U.C.] 1915 Pres. Frantz Euler, VP Mrs(?) Louis Brown, Corresp.Secy. Mrs L. Matthews, Recording Secy Mrs E.T.Child,
Treas. Arthur McCready.
[Cal.] Jan.31,1915. Summit society "was founded a few years ago, largely through the work of Mr. Wiers and the
minister of this church."
[SB] Feb. 1, 1915 - direct subscription [in 1914] "enabled us to meet our obligations without resorting to paid
entertainments and
without depending, as we had done for several years, upon a large Fair ... set free ... energies ... formerly ... devoted
to raising of money ... for the larger and deeper life of the Church."
[U.C.] Feb.1915 social. George Washington and Lincoln party, over 80 present.
[Cal.] Feb.7,1915 issue,last one listing the Junior Alliance.
[Cal.] Feb.14,1915, ushers: Franz Euler,Jr., Thomas Dudley, Arthur A. MacCready, Gavin P. Taylor.
Edwin E. MacCready, Pres. Men's Club. Arthur A. MacCready, Pres. Hale Club.
[SB] Feb.15, 1915, Peace Sunday. morning and evenibg services. Evening, reading of 'The Man Without a Country.'
100 years of peace between US and Gt. Britain.
W.R.Hunt, occupied pulpit of Cong. Sharey Tefilo.
[U.C.] Mar.1915 social - musicale and interpretive dancing by several of the young ladies of the Church.
[Cal.] Easter 1915, "2 babies and 3 young men were christened." 6 new members.
[Abst.] Apr. 5, 1915, spring meeting. Voted to arrange for a fitting observance of the 25th anniversary of the
founding of the Church.
[U.C.] Apr.30, 1915 advt for plays: "...proceeds ...not for use of the church, but will be devoted to
enlarging the work of the club." 166 tickets sold - $82.55
[Abst.] May 16, 1915, special meeting of the trustees with the young people to discuss aid that the young people
could give to the Church.
[Cal.] May 30, 1915 "Every service now sees one or more new names entered upon the rolls of the church..."
[Cal.] June 6,1915 - "walk of the Hale Club along the top of the mountain to Millburn" in the p.m.
[SB] June 7, 1915 Newark News - "'Religion Is More Than Insurance' - Rev. Walter Reed Hunt of
Orange Preaches Challenge to Billy Sunday's Theology"
[U.C.] 1915 Lawn Party, Mercks. Interpretive and educational dancing by the pupils of Miss Edith Whyte of the
Dearborn Morgan School. Music by the boys of the Newark City Home through the courtesy of Mr. Carl Heller.
[invitation: "automobiles will be at the Park Gate, Valley Road, from 2 until 3 o'clock."]
[Cal.] Sept.12,1915 ..."Last spring our liberal faith was bitterly assailed."
[Abst.] Sept. 20, 1915, trustees voted that the Treas. obtain certified copies of the Articles of Incorporation
of the Church and of the deed of the Church real estate to replace originals that cannot be found, and that he be
authorized to secure space at the Orange Natl Bank for deposit of record books and valuable papers.
[Cal.] Sept.26,1915 - Hale Club meeting "will be a farewell meeting to the members of the Club who are
leaving this week for the various schools and colleges."
[Abst.] Oct. 4, 1915, fall meeting. Mr. Hunt presented to the Church as a gift of Miss Sylvia Hitch and other
members of the family a picture of Henry F. Hitch. Accepted. Voted to accept with thanks a plan for beautifying the
Church grounds, presented by some of the Ladies, to be followed in setting out such plants as could be secured from
time to time.
[SB] Oct.30,1915, Newark News, includes portrait of W.R.Hunt. [at founding in 1890] "a prominent
citizen remarked publicly ... he would rather see a new saloon opened than a Unitarian church established ..."
[Abst.] Nov. 7 (Sunday) and Nov. 8 (Monday) 1915, special services in commemoration of the 25th anniversary
of the founding of the Church. Details will be found in the records of the Church Historian. (Mrs. E. F. Chamberlin.)
[U.C.] Dec. 1915, gave church $50.
[Abst.] Dec. 20, 1915, trustees accepted with regret the resignation of Mr. F. W. Thomson because of removal.
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[Abst.] Jan. 14, 1916, trustees accepted resignation of Miss Schetter as trustee because of removal. Unity Club
offered to enlarge the stage of the Parish House and make payment within one year.
[Cal.] Jan.16,1916. "last Sunday night Mr Hunt preached in the evening to the congregation in Paterson
which was organized after their experience with the revival methods ... last spring."
[Abst.] Jan. 17, 1916, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 3,791.03 |
Balance | .04 |
Trustees elected for 3 years: Mrs. G. P. Swain, E. H. Levy and N. W. Perkins. For 1 year: Mrs. E. F. Chamberlin and
G. A. Whittemore vice Miss Schetter & Mr. Thomson resigned.
The Church Historian, Mrs. Chamberlin, reported that she had kept up the scrap book of clippings etc. as in previous
Voted to leave to the trustees the question of enlarging the stage of the Parish House. Estimated cost 650.
During the year, 18 new members. 8 lost by removal.
Mr. Hunt suggested the possibility of establishing a public forum.
Alliance, membership 35, attendance 18, gave to Church 125.
Sunday School enrollment 11 teachers & officers, 50 pupils, cradle roll 10. Gave to Church 25.
Unity Club gave 50 to Church and 5 toward new shrubbery.
Junior Alliance 11 members.
[Abst.] Jan. 17, 1916, trustees elected Mr. Matthews Pres, Mr. Euler Treas. and Mr. Levy Sec.
[SB] Jan. 31, 1916, annual appeal - breakdown of last year's contributions by 68 persons [total ≤ $3336.75;
median $20.50; mean ≤ $49.00;
largest $295, smallest < $5]
[U.C.] 1916, Pres. Mr. Dalmassas, VP Mrs Child, Rec.Sec. V. Chamberlin, Cor.Sec. A.Dana, Treas. A MacCready.
Discussion as to legality of office of corresponding secy. Motion carried to amend bylaws to create office.
Proposed addition to present stage-Unity Club agrees to pay within 1 year.
[Abst.] Feb. 7, 1916, trustees accepted Mr. Matthews' offer to have stenographic record made of Mr. Hunt's sermons
without expense to the Church.
[U.C.] Feb. 1916 social - Salmagundi Party.
[Cal.] Mar.5, 1916. ushers: Franz Euler,Jr., Thomas Dudley, Frederick Hamilton, A.A.MacCready, Marvin Laureigh.
Junior Alliance in list of organizations again; Miss Olga Dana, Pres. Men's Club, Pres. Walter S. Decker.
Hale Club, Pres. Lawrence Sheldon. Unity Club, Pres. Henry Dalmases.
[W.Cal.[ Mar.14, 1816, 10th anniv.of Men's Club.
[U.C.] Mar.31,1916 - 3-act comedy, $107.85, beginning of fund to enlarge the stage.
[Abst.] Apr. 3, 1916, spring meeting, voted, if the Unity Club would place a trust fund of 500. in the hands of
the Treasurer and agree to raise a further amount of 500., that the society proceed with the enlargement of the
Parish House stage, provided that such action is ratified by the trustees and by the society. Voted a resolution
on the death of Mrs. H. F. Hitch, Mar.29, 1916.
[Cal.] Apr.23, 1916 - May 2 Men's Club meeting, Fred H. Colvin will speak on The Making of Munitions in America -
illus. lantern slides and exhibit of shells. The Hale Club will meet with the men.
[Cal.] Apr.30,1916. Easter had the largest confirmation class in the history of the church,
[Abst.] May 1, 1916, trustees voted thanks to J. A. E. Stewart for the gift of an acousticon for the Church.
[U.C.] June 3, 1916 - Lawn Party held at Parish House because of weather. Presentation of "Midsummer Night's
Dream" by the children of Llewellyn Park under direction of Mrs. Merck.
[Abst.] June 18, 1916, trustees voted to purchase a piano for 200. Voted to grant the request of the Board of
Education for the use of the lot in rear of Parish House for school purposes without charge on condition that the Board
of Education erect a suitable fence around the property and that the Church be granted the use of the auditorium of
the Central school without charge for 5 evenings during the coming winter for lectures and plays under the auspices of
the Church.
[Abst.] Sept. 18, 1916, trustees voted to concur in the action of the Sunday School in donating the old piano to
the Ashland Ave. Baptist Church (Colored)
[Abst.] Oct. 1, 1916, trustees received report that an expense of 1,000. would be required to repair the roof and
other exterior portions of the Church and Parish House and that a new furnace would cost 300. Voted to ask authority
from the Church to borrow not over 1500. for this purpose, means of raising this amount to be left to the society.
[Cal.] Oct.1,1916. Mr Hunt called away suddenly by serious illness of his mother. Rabbi Abelson conducted the regular
morning service.
[Abst.] Oct. 2, 1916, fall meeting. Voted to authorize the trustees to borrow not over 1500. to replace the Church
roof, replace parts of the Parish House roof, make miscellaneous repairs to gutters, leaders and other exterior parts
and replace the Church heater.
[Cal.] Mrs E.H.Levy died Fri.before Oct 15,1916.
[Cal.] Oct.22,1916. "The Hale Club, a group of the young men of the church, is an integral part of the
Sunday School. It meets every Sunday with Mr. Hunt as teacher. All young men of the church are welcome .."
Hale Club planning dance jointly with Junior Alliance.
Union Thanksgiving Day services will NOT be held this year.
[U.C.] Nov.24,1916, Magazine Party (tableaux)
[SB] Nov.25,1916 - "direct payments and pledges have been sufficient to meet the budget ... without ... second
appeal or aid from auxiliaries" but repairs needed, asking AUA for $1200 loan.
[Cal.] Dec.3, 1916. "A row of Barberry bushes has been planted along the front of the church, and a
Box tree on either side of the main entrance ... gift of Mrs. Matthews."
Dec.10,1916, Dr. Ralph H. Hunt gives talk at evening service about epidemic of infantile paralysus [poliomyelitis] during
summer 1916.
[Abst.] Dec. 18, 1916, trustees received report that a bank loan of 1,200 had been obtained. Board of Education
withdrew request presented June 18.
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[Abst.] Jan. 15, 1917, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | Piano | 200.00 | |
| Bank note paid | 500.00 | |
| Other | 3,693.43 | 4,393.43 |
Balance | | | .08 |
Trustees elected: Mrs. F. H. Colvin, W. H. Aborn & W. O. Sheldon.
On Easter 24 were received into fellowship.
Alliance raised 182.41 from fair. Gave 150 to repair fund.
Sunday School enrollment 8 teachers, 44 pupils. Gave 25 to the piano fund and 25 for Church shrubbery.
Unity Club raised 108 toward extension of the stage and gave 15 to the piano fund.
Junior Alliance enrollment 15. Gave 5 to piano fund.
Pres. reported that the first financial appeal was the only one necessary to raise funds for the expenses of the Church.
[Men's Club (10th anniv.) 47 members]
[Abst.] Jan. 15, 1917, trustees electd Mr. Matthews Pres, Mr. Euler Treas. and Mr. Levy Sec.
[U.C.] 1917 - Pres. Geo. W. Booth, VP Miss Margaret Aborn, Sec. Miss Va. Chamberlin, Treas. Arthur MacCready.
[SB] Jan.31,1917, contributions last year from 83 persons. First raise in Minister's salary, by $250. "The
janitor has served longer without ever missing a service and it seemed right to vote him an increase of $110."
[U.C.] Jan.1917 social - some members lent their favorite Victrola records.
[Abst.] Feb. 8, 1917, trustees received report on repairs:
Actually spent | 1,656.24 |
Authorized | 1,500.00 |
Deficit | 156.24 |
Deficit reduced to 95.74 by voluntary contributions.
Voted to appoint a committee to investigate the distribution of Unitarian literature at the Revival in East Orange.
[U.C.] Feb. 1917 social, guessing contests and dancing.
[Cal.] Feb.18,1917 - women of this church requested to take charge of the Red Cross HQ in E.O. this week.
[Cal.] Mar.4 - Trustees have decided to issue this Calendar once in two week sonly.
[U.C.] Mar. 1917 social, Men's Club farce.
[Cal.] Mar.18/25,1917. Ushers Frederick Hamilton, Arthur A. MacCready, Marvin Laureigh, Lawrence Sheldon.
Women's Alliance Pres. Mrs Wm. H. Aborn
Unity Club Pres. George W. Booth
Hale Club Pres. Stewart Graham
Men's Club,Pres. Walter S. Decker
Junior Alliance Pres. Miss Olga Dana.
[Abst.] Mar. 27, 1917, trustees voted to accept with thanks Mr. Fiske's offer of a standard for the flag to be
used in the Church. Voted to offer the use of the Parish House to the Chief of Medical Section, Council of National
Defense, for hospital purposes. . . .
[Abst.] Apr.2, 1917, spring meeting, society voted to accept an invitation to send a representative to a
conference on the subject of tax exemption of Church and Charitable property. Mr. Sheldon was appointed. A motion
that the congregation view such exemption as immoral and unethical was lost.
[SB] Apr. 3, 1917, Men's Club Dinner. Speaker from Amer. Bankers Ass'n 'How to Keepa Dollar Ahead' - also gaiety by
home talent.
[Cal.] Flag, made some time ago by the girls of the Junior Alliance, hangs in the church. "It will not be
lowered, so long as the war lasts."
[Abst.] Apr. 27, 1917, trustees voted to offer the use of the Parish House to the Red Cross for surgical dressing
work under certain restrictions.
[Cal.] Apr.29, 1917. Unitarian Rally held at Passaic, 250 present, 28 from this church.
[SB] May 6, 1917, Program of Flag Raising, First Unitarian Sunday School. ... patriotic hymns and readings and
pledge of allegiance ...
[U.C.] 1917 Lawn Party, Mercks', play by children of the Park, in the outdoor theatre.
[SB] AUA War Bulletin No.IV, urging Unitarian churches to go on record in favor of immediate National Prohibition 0
saloons near Navy yards - grave peril - food products wasted in manufacture of liquors
[Abst.] June 13, 1917, at a special meeting the society voted, 25 to 3 with 4 blanks, to ask Congress to pass a law
providing for National Prohibition, to be repealed within 1 year after the close of the war. Voted to appoint a
committee to collect contributions for recreation huts for soldiers in the mobilization camps.
June 25, 1917 "A Plain Statement" [appeal with Treasurer's statement] - " In our church
was organized the first Red Cross unit of the Oranges ... Our minister ... is a member of the Home Guard, drilling
and serving in that organization."
[SB] announcement of special meeting of Men's Club, Sept.11 [1917] - Mr. Hunt designated Mr Matthews as rep. from
our church to 'Central Soldiers and Sailors Welfare Committee of the Oranges' - Mr Matthews made member of Exec. Comm
and Chair of both Finance and Program Comm
[Abst.] Oct. 1, 1917, fall meeting. Voted that the trustees be instructed to purchase a Liberty bond for 100 out of
the fund for enlarging the stage in the Parish House, leaving a balance of 14.05. Mr. Sheldon reported that the
Conference on taxation of Church property took no action beyond referring the matter back to the Churches for further
Mr.Booth reported that the collection for the YMCA war fund amounted to 100 which has been sent to the Soldiers' and
Sailors' Welfare committee.
Voted that the deficit this year be raised without a fair.
[U.C.] Oct.26, 1917 social. "Mrs. Garrison spoke about the work which was being done by the Woman's Suffrage
Association, to provide a recreation house for the soldiers at Camp Dix. ... Mrs Noxon spoke about entertaining Navy
men for weekends."
[Abst.]Nov. 16, 1917, trustees voted to add one stanza to hymn America to be sung in the church whenever the hymn
is used.
[God bless our splendid men
Send them safe home again,
God save our men.
Happy and glorious
Dauntless and chivalrous
Winners of freedom,
God save our men]
Voted permission to Mr. Hunt to as Chaplain at Camp Mills.
[U.C.] Nov.24,1917 - a party for the Navy men.
[Cal.] Dec.2,1917 - minister of this church commissioned by Pres.Eliot of AUA to act as Volunteer Chaplain at
Camp Nills, Mineola. He will work with the YMCA camps there, 3 days per week.
[Cal.] Dec.30,1917 - Camp Mills discontinued for the winter, Mr Hunt's work to be at Camp Upton,
Yaphank, NY
[SB] Minister's Report for 1917 - " ...The first step taken by the church was in helping to form public
opinion on the issues of the war ... organization of the Red Cross Unit and the gift of the Parish House for the
use of the Committee on Surgical Dressings ..." -- 11 of our young men now serving.
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[Abst.] Jan. 3, 1918, trustees accepted the resignation of Mr.Euler as Treas. In response to a letter from the AUA
recommending, as a measure of economy for the winter or for the duration of the war, that our Churches give careful
consideration to the possibilities of temporary federation and combination with neighboring Churches, voted that this
Church gladly offers its cooperation in any way that the AUA may see fit to use it. Voted to appoint a committee
to consider the advisability of arranging Union services with some other Church this winter.
Voted to recommend to the society that Mr. Hunt be offered a leave of absence to enable him to respond to a call
for his services in the Army camps in this country and abroad.
[Abst.] Jan. 13, 1918, at a special meeting the society voted to authorize the trustees to appoint a committee,
with power, to arrange with any other Church for Union services, for the purpose of conservation of coal.
[Cal.] Jan.13,1918 - to save fuel, until further notice, Sunday School to meet in the church auditorium.
Red Cross meeting in private houses.
[SB] alternate union services with New Church began Jan.20,1918 to conserve fuel
[Abst.] Jan. 21, 1918, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 4,001.59 |
Balance | .16 |
Voted that Mr. Hunt's report be printed and distributed.
Received report that a temporary arrangement had been made with the New Church to hold Union services in the
2 Churches on alternate Sundays.
Voted that the gift of 100. by the Unity Club be used to reduce the loan of 1,200. (from Mrs. Matthews)
Voted to accept the recommendation of the trustees (Jan. 3) in regard to a leave of absence for Mr. Hunt.
Voted thanks to Mr. Euler for his services as Treasurer.
Sunday School, enrollment 9 teachers & officers and 35 pupils. Gave to Church 25.
Alliance, enrollment 45. Formeda Red Cross unit of 55 to sew on Mondays for French Relief. Conducted 4 small sales,
Gave to Church 75.
Unity Club conducted 4 socials, one for a party of navy men.
Men's Club were guests at a joint meeting with the Men's Club at the Montclair Church.
Trustees elected: Mrs. S. G. Boyd and G. A. Whittemore, the third member to be elected by the Board.
[U.C.] Voted to divert fund " which was being raised for addition to the Parish House" to "paying
off the church debt." Pres. Geo.W.Booth, VP Miss Margaret Aborn, Sec. Miss Grace Swain, Treas Mrs Ernest Child
[Abst.] Jan. 21, 1918, trustees elected Mr. Whittemore Pres., W.H. Aborn Treas. and E. H. Levy Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 27, 1918, trustees elected R. D. Silliman as trustee.
[Cal.] Jan.27,1918 -union services of the New Church and the Unitarian Church (to conserve coal):
alternately at the two churches; both ministers to speak at each service, each preaching a short sermon. New Church
school at 10 a.m., Unit'n sch. at 12:05. (New Church: Essex Ave near Main St.)
[U.C.] Feb. 1918 Social - "On account of the coal shortage it could not be held in the Parish House" -
held at home of Mr and Mrs Wm. H. Aborn. Informal games. Welsh rarebit served.
[U.C.] Mar. 1, 1918 - 3-act play, 'The Elopement of Ellen' - under direction of Oliver Matthews. Made $59,
sent for reduction of the church loan.
[Cal.] Mar.24/31,1918. Only two ushers: Edward Aborn, S. George Boyd. Only 4 organizations:
Sunday School, Women's Alliance, Men's Club, Unity Club. Mrs E.T.Child Treas.of both Women's Alliance and Unity Club.
George W. Booth, Pres.of Unity Club; Mrs. George W. Booth, Pres.of Women's Alliance. Edward Aborn, Pres.of Men's Club.
[Abst.] Apr. 2, 1918, spring meeting. Society voted to accept with thanks a framed portrait of W. H. Taft, a gift
of the Men's Club. Mr. Hunt gave a lecture, illustrated with lantern slides, on the history of Unitarianism,
principally in Hungary.
The Treasurer reported that sufficient funds for the year had been raised on the first appeal.
[SB] Apr.2, 1918 , parish dinner and meeting, included patriotic songs; ... letters from prominent Unitarian
men re war read ... Wm O. Selden presented map showing membership of church by location of residency.
[Abst.] Apr. 14, 1918, trustees received from Mrs. Booth, Pres. of the Alliance, a letter stating that there
was a feeling of unrest and dissatisfaction among a very large majority of our people as to the conduct of the
Sunday School and recommending a complete change in the present regime. Voted to appoint a committee to consider
the subject and report to the Board.
[U.C.] May 11, 1918, second Sailors Party - ten boys from the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Old fashioned games...singing.
[Calendar] June 1918 "A new pamphlet of hymns has been placed in the pews , The congregation is
requested to remain after service and practice the new hymns."
[U.C.] June 1, 1918 - Lawn Party, Mercks. Boy Scouts of West Orange entertained us by first aid demonstrations
and wig-wagging. Ice-cream cones were quite an innovation.
[SB] Orange Day Nursery given use of Parish House during summer [1918] while building addition to their building.
[Abst.] Sep. 20, 1918, trustees appointed Mrs. F. B. Lane as historian, vice Mrs E. F. Chamberlin resigned.
The committee on the Sunday School recommended the appointment of a committee with power to perfect an organization
to place the Sunday School on a more staable and permanent foundation and to arrange the necessary details to put it
into effect.
[Abst.] Oct. 7, 1918, the scheduled fall meeting of the society was not held because of the influenza epidemic.
[Cal.] Nov.3,1918: "After being closed for two weeks by order of the Board of Health, our Church is open again
[Cal.] Nov.17,1918. Edward Hale Memorial Fund, being raised by Chestnut Hill church, income to be given to the
family. "When this need ceases the Trust will terminate. The Deed of Trust provides that any contributions from the
Orange church, if such desire be expressed by the donor, shall revert to the Trustees of this church at the time of
termination of the Trust. At the present time nearly $2500 has been so designated."
Union Thanksgiving srvices, interrupted for 2 years, will be resumed, at Park Ave. Meth. Ch.
[SB] Nov.28, 1918 [clipping] - union service at Meth. Episc. Ch., of First Unitarian, New Church, and Cong. Sharey Tefilo.
[Abst.] Dec. 19, 1918, trustees voted to accept a Roll of Honor presented by an order of the Board. Committee
appointed to determine the names. Sunday School committee presented a final report.
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[SB] Jan.8, 1919 Men's Club: Edward Aborn re-elected Pres.; V.P. Ernest T. Child; Rec.Secy & Tr. Nathan Perkins;
Corr.Secy. S.G. Boyd.
[Abst.] Jan. 12, 1919, trustees received report of names for Roll of Honor.
[Abst.] Jan. 20, 1919, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Disbursements:, | Loan paid | 871.00 | |
| Other | 4,232.47 | 5,103.47 |
Balance | | | 91.92 |
The contributions were the largest in the history of the Church. They were obtained by one appeal at the beginning
of the year.
Trustees elected: Mrs. Frank Curry, C.K.Hogan and J.M.Fiske.
Voted thanks to Mr. Stewart for his services as S.S.Supt.
Sunday School, enrollment 5 teachers, 2 officers, 28 pupils. Loss due to departure of some of the boys to the service
and a decrease in the number of smaller children due to intense cold and shortage of fuel. From Jan. 27 to Mar. 10
conducted Union classes with the New Church. Gave 25 to Church and 30.25 to aid French children.
Alliance pledged services of 20 women for work on soldiers' clothes and refugee sewing. Gave 75 to Church, AUA 15
and pension fund 10.
[Abst.] Jan. 20, 1919, trustees elected Mr. Whittemore Pres, W. O. Sheldon Treas. and W. H. Aborn Sec.
[U.C.] 1919, Pres. George W. Booth, VP George S. Boyd, Sec. Miss Grace Swain, Treas. Mrs Ernest Child.
[U.C.] Jan.22,1919, committees apptd for Feb. Social etc. with members of Mens Club, Alliance and Unity Club.
[Abst.] Feb. 3, 1919, trustees voted appreciation of the services of Mr. J. A. E. Stewart as Supt. of Sunday School
for 9 years.
[Abst.] Feb. 8, 1919, trustees received resignation of Mr. Hogan as trustee. Voted to appoint a committee to
investigate the method use to handle Church funds - to report at the April meeting.
[U.C.] Feb. 28,1919, social. over 50 people. no electricity, used candles. Mr Matthews and Mrs Chamberlin were
great hits as George and Martha Washington.
[W.Cal. Mar.8/16,1919, last issue listing J.A.E.Stewart as Sup't of Sun.Sch; no sup't listed Mar.23.30 through
Dec 7/14, then Rev.W.R.Hunt.
[Cal.] starts to carry motto "Life more abundantly"
[Abst.] Apr. 7, 1919, spring meeting.
Voted to appoint Mrs. W. H. Aborn Chairman of the Women's branch for the Victory loan.
Voted to to invite the Middle States Conference and the Ministers' Union meeting on April 27 to be held here on account
of the burning of the Montclair Church.
Voted to appoint a committee of 3 to create a new form of accounting for the Church whereby the authority for all
expenditures of Church money shall be by sanction of the trustees.
[U.C.] Apr. 25, 1919, play 'Bird in Hand' by Laurence Housman - "The Organizations of the First Unitarian
Church ... No Admission Charge." [SB:] cast included Edward Aborn and Edward Aborn Jr.
[Cal.] May 4,1919, address of Minister changed to 211 Lincoln Ave, Orange.
[U.C.] June 7, 1919, Lawn Party, Mercks. Pupils of Miss Whyte gave some aesthetic dance.
[SB] June 8, 1919 - The Men's Club ... formed itself into Orange Chapter of the Unitarian Laymen's League;
30 enrolled as members. Laymen's League is a new national organization; founders include Wm. Howard Taft.
[Christian Register:] officersof Men's Club elected to be officers of chapter of Laymen's League: Edward Aborn,
Pres.; Ernest T. Child V.P.; E.S. Boyd, Corr.Secy.; Nathaniel W. Perkins Rec.Secy.
[Abst.] Sept. 27, 1919, trustees received report from Mr. Booth & Mr. Child showing the present value of
the Church and furniture.
[Abst.] Oct. 4, 1919, fall meeting.
Society received report of committee on accounting,
Voted to appoint a committee to report on the advisability of keeping the Church open in the Summer.
Unity Club enrollment 45.
Laymen's League has established a book exchange in the Church and subscribed for 2 copies of the Christian Register.
[Cal.] Oct.19,1919. Class at Sun.Sch. 10:45-12, for children too small to bring to church service.
[U.C.] Oct.31, 1919, spook party - all dressed in sheets and pillowcases, ghost story told ... spooky things
passed around in the dark.
[SB] [Christian Register, 1920, re fall 1919:] "A type of community church which gives promise of great
usefulness is growing up in Orange,NJ ... It is composed of all the Protestant churches in the city. Its council
is made up of the ministers, and its membership of the laymen and women of the various denominations... On Sun. Nov.16
there was a general exchange of pulpits ,,, followed next Sun. by a house-to-house canvass, made by volunteers from
the churches ,,, 2500 men and women enlisted in this work. .. city ... so subdivided that a zone leader with 3 helpers
was responsible for only 25 homes. The work was done between 3:00 and 6:00 on Sun. afternoon and was 80% perfect.
Every home was visited."
[Cal.] Nov.23, 1919. "A key to the Parish House may always be found at the home of George W. Booth,
32 High Street, just in the rear of the church."
[U.C.] Dec.5, 1919, program for play by Edw. Aborn "...The audience is requested to kindly refrain from throwing
anything heavy."
[SB] Dec.7, 1919 - supper and meeting of Laymen's League - reviewed experience of canvassers in "recent
interchurch religious survey of the Oranges" ,,, supper "served in army style" Thomas Dudley, a returned service man,
in charge. Dr. Ralph H. Hunt, brother of pastor, related experiences in France.
[Abst.] Dec. 15, 1919, trustees voted to permit the Orange YMCA to use the Parish House without detriment to plans
already made.
Voted to favor a change in the Constitution whereby trustees shall be elected at the fall meeting.
[SB] Dec. 20, 1919 - more than 100 children from N.J. Orthopaedic Hosp. at XMas party of Sun.Sch. - in Parish House -
autos to convey them provided by members of church and the Red Cross Motor Corps of the Oranges.
back to top
[SB] Jan.15, 1920 [Christian Register] - union service for Thanksgiving in Orange held in Methodist Church, with
Swedenborgians, Jews, and Unitarians.
[Abst.] Jan. 19, 1920, annual meeting. Attendance 67. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures:, | Loans & interest | 940.24 | |
| Other | 3,927.26 | 4,867.50 |
Balance | | | 240.76 |
Trustees elected: Mrs. E. Aborn, F. E. Town and G. W. Booth for 3 years and W. Dormitzer for 2 years vice Mr. Hogan,
Voted to appoint a committee to raise funds for relief of some of the suffering among the Christian people of Hungary.
Voted to amend the Constitution to provide that trustees shall be elected at the fall meeting.
On a report of an offer to Mr. Hunt to become Field Secretary of AUA the Society voted a resolution pledging greater
support and cooperation and expressing the wish that he remain as Minister. Voted to secure signatures to this
resolution from members of the Church.
Voted an increase of 200. per year in the Minister's salary.
Mr. Hunt reported the completion of the Religions survey. The committee has the cards of those indicating preference
for the Unitarian Church and also the cards of those indicating preference for the Universalist Church and Friends'
Meeting, neither of which has an organization in our cities.
Mr. Hunt reported that the families of the Church have been grouped by neighborhoods and a Captain appointed for
each group. This step was taken to enable the Minister, through the Captains, to learn promptly of things needing his
personal attention.
Sunday School reported completion of reorganization. Enrollment teachers 6, pupils 37, aver. attendance 24. Gave to
Church 25.
Unity Club held 4 socials and a lawn party.
Alliance gave to Church 150.
Laymen's League held 8 meetings. Planned new wiring and improved lighting in the Parish House. Installed electric
lighting in the Church. Inserted weekly advertisements in Newark News and Maplewood papers. Distributed Church
calendars weekly in hotels in the Oranges. Has organized a group captain system. Conducted a house-to-house canvass
for the inter-church census. Membership 48. Gave 25 to Church.
Committee appointed to investigate the question of keeping the Church open during the Summer reported that such
action would not be advisable.
[Abst.] Jan. 25, 1920, trustees elected G. A. Whittemore Pres., W. O. Sheldon Treas. and G. W. Booth Sec.
Reported that Mr. Hunt wil remain as Minister.
[U.C.] 1920, Pres. Mr. S.G. Boyd, VP Miss Grace Swain, Secy Miss Miriam Sheldon, Treas Mrs E.F.Child.
[Abst.] Feb. 2, 1920, trustees elected Mrs. Curry Historian vice Mrs. Lane, resigned.
[SB] Feb. 5, 1920, letter to members - ... our minister ... has declined offer to become Field Secy. for
the Middle States ofd the Dept.of Church Extension.
[SB] Feb. 15, 1920 - services in First Unitarian Church interrupted yesterday by a fire in the cellar.
"Councilman William H. Aborn of East Orange ... investigating smoke which was noticed shortly after
beginning of the service ... discovered ... floor beams over furnace had started to smolder - without disturbing
the service the Fire Dept. was summoned. There was no panic but when firemen started to chop away smoldering beams
it was impossible to continue the service."
[Abst.] Feb. 15, 1920, trustees increased the salary of Nelson Sears, janitor, from 29.17 to 40. per month and
of Walter Decker, organist from 300. to 400. per year, both effective Feb. 1. Voted to secure Mr. Joseph Gasner
to obtain the insurance adjustment and have repairs made after the recent Sunday fire.
Feb 6, 1920, letter from Charles B. Gilbert, upon election as Pres. of Orange branch of Unitarian Laymen's
League, on letterhead: "Manufacturers Agent, Paper Sacks, Hand Made Bags, Glassine Envelopes,"
311 Mt.Prospoect Ave, Newark.
[Cal.] Feb.29/Mar.7, 1920. Junior Alliance, Pres. Miss Louise P. Aborn. Unity Club, Pres. S. George Boyd.
Laymen's League, Pres. Charles B. Gilbert. Women's Aliance, Pres. Mrs Edw. F. Chamberlin.
[U.C.] Mar.9, 1920, "Cruise of the Airship UC-26 to Havana"
[Abst.] Mar. 14, 1920, trustees voted to accept resignation of Mr. Dormitzer as trustee.
Mr. Hunt reported that E. Aborn had agreed to assist him in his duties as Supt. of the Sunday School.
[SB] Mar.15,1920, installation of new electric lighting in Parish House, paid by Laymen's League.
[Cal.] Apr.2,1920, Good Friday, Union Service, 8:15 p.m. with Summit and Montclair.
[U.C.] Apr. 1920, play by Sydney Bowkett. $63. $50 to Mens Club toward new electric lights.
[Abst.] May 3, 1920, spring meeting. Received report that 80.93 had been collected for Hungarian relief.
Received report that fire damage was 232. which was collected from the insurance co.
Elected Philip C. Dailey trustee vice W. Dormitzer resigned.
25 names added to the Church roll in the last 12 months.
[Abst.] May 10, 1920, trustees voted approval of a proposal of the Orange Chapter of the Laymen's League for
the publication of a monthly House Organ, the expense to be assumed by the League.
[Cal.] June 5,1920, picnic under the auspices of the Unity Club, in So.Mtn.Res. near Hemlock Falls.
Box lunches may be ordered from
Junior Alliance. Change from practice of former years: "have children wear old clothes so they
can have a good romp in the woods and fields.... automobile will leave corner of Main and Day between 2 and 3 p.m.
[U.C.] June 5, 1920, Picnic, Roseland near Cherry Lane, Chief event was a baseball game.
[SB] Sept. 10, 1920, Newark Evening News - death of Warren Delano, 65 years old.
Uncle of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Lived for many years at 110 Harrison St, East Orange; moved from that city
about 16 years ago. President of Delano Coal Co. Had stable of 65 horses; estate along the Hudson River.
Horse bolted in front of train. Survived by wife, who was Jennie Walters of Baltimore. Son Lyman Delano;
4 daughters: 3 married and Miss Laura Delano.
[Cal.] former member Mrs James E. Hall died at her home in Roxbury Mass early in Aug.
[Abst.] Sep. 27, 1920, trustees voted a resolution on the death of Warren Delano.
Voted to approve an arrangement whereby Mr. Hunt will spend 2 days a week in the New York office of the AUA.
[Abst.] Oct. 11, 1920, fall meeting.
Voted to accept Mrs. Boyd's resignation as trustee.
Trustees elected: Mrs. E. F. Chamberlin, O. J. Matthews and M. J. Fischer for 3 years, P. C. Dailey for 1 year.
[SB] Oct.26, 1920. Laymen's League, "The Wayfarer," to cost approx. $1500 for first year's issues;
of total $1650 needed, $925 already pledged.
[Cal.] "The union Thanksgiving service held for the past two years in the Methodist Church has been
given up. The Church of Christ seems not yet ready for a real brotherhood. We shall hold a serfvice of communion
on Thanksgiving
morning in our church."
[Abst.] Dec. 13, 1920, trustees voted to accept resignation of Mrs. Chamberlin as trustee.
Voted to accept the recent gift of hymn books.
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[Abst.] Jan. 9, 1921, trustees elected O. J. Matthews Pres., G. W. Booth Treas. and M. J. Fischer Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 10, 1921, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Disbursements, | Loans & interest | 500.71 | |
| Fire loss | 232.00 | |
| Other | 5,257.59 | 5,990.30 |
Balance | | | 33.63 |
Society elected Miss Grace Swain as trustee vice Mrs. Chamberlin resiogned. For three years.
Voted to refer to trustees a motion that Mr. Hunt's salary be increased 1,000 per year.
Quota in national campaign largely oversubscribed. Pledged 7,342.06, of which 1,805.06 has been paid.
Also paid 175.93 to the Hoover-Hungarian relief appeal.
21 new members in 1920. Average attendance 60.
Sunday School had an exceptionally good year under E. Aborn as Supt. Gave to Church 25.
Alliance raised 305.67 by fair. Gave to Church 100.
Junior Alliance gave flag to Sunday School. Gave to Church 10.
[Abst.] Jan. 18, 1921, trustees voted thanks to Mrs. Matthews for bulletin board.
Re proposed increase in Minister's salary Mr. Hunt advocated that no additional burden be placed on the Church at this
time. Voted to report to society that increase was inopportune.
[U.C.] 1921, Pres. Miss Adrianne Graham, VP Thomas Dudley, Secy Miss Va. Chamberlin, Treas. Miss Gertrude Swain.
[Abst.] Feb. 6, 1921, special meeting of the society voted that the matter of the Minister's salary be referred to
the trustees and that it was the sense of the meeting that a bonus of 500 should be given for 1921 provided this
action is compatible with the best interests of the society.
[Cal.] Feb.13/20, 1921. Alliance has changed meeting time from afternoon to evening, so young women of the church who
are working will have opportunity to attend,
ushers - Wm. O. Sheldon, George A. Whittemore, Thomas Dudley, Donald Bartholomew.
Alliance Auxiliary added to list of organizations; Miss Miriam Sheldon, Chairman.
Unity Club: Miss Adrienne M. Graham, Pres.; Thomas Dudley, V-P; Miss Virginia Chamberlin, Secy.; Miss Gertrude Swain,
[Cal.] Feb.27/Mar.6,1921. The faith animating the Laymen's League:
We worship the living God, our Father
and our Friend. We are disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, teacher of the love of god and the way of life.
We believe in the infinite worth of man and his power of unending growth.
We believe in Liberty, Democracy and Law, as essential to human progress.
We pray for help to worship God sincerely, and to serve our brothers faithfully.
We seek ever for more Truth and Light.
[Abst.] Apr. 4, 1921, spring meeting.
[U.C.] Apr.1921, Salmagundi Party, about 40 present.
[U.C.] June 4, 1921, Lawn Party for the children of the Sunday School - a society circus with the aid of the YMCA boys.
Mr Heller and band from the Reform School.
[Cal.] Sun. June 12, 1921 - subject of sermon, "The Heart of Religion" - "Dr. Norbert F. Capek
will assist Mr. Hunt in the conduct of the service." (farewell service). Notice of commissioning of Dr. and Mrs.
Capek by AUA as its representatives in the new Republic of Czecho-Slovakia.
[Cal.] Sept.11,1921, WRHunt's address changed to 297 Lincoln Ave.
[Cal.] Oct.2,1921 - out-of-door service in the church lawn - "An Out-of-Doors Religion."
"during the past few months all of the streets in Orange, and apparently some in East Orange,
have been renumbered."
[Abst.] Oct. 10, 1921, fall meeting.
Trustees elected: Mrs. E. F. Chamberlin, P. D. Langley and Clifford Sloan.
Voted to endorse plan to employ an architect to advise on Church decoration and referred it to trustees for action.
[Cal.] Oct.18, 1921, first meeting of Women's Alliance, "The men are cordially invited." Subject
"Our Girls" - speakers Miss Nelson, Dir., National Girl Scouts; Mrs. George Merck, Local Director,
Girl Scouts.
[U.C.] Nov. 3, 1921, three plays by the Woman's Guild of the St. James Church of Montclair (in exchange for the
performance on Nov.2 of 'The Bird in the Hand' by Unity Club members at Montclair)
[Cal.] Nov.20,1921 - Laymen's Sunday, order of service, incl. sermon by Frederic E. Town,
service conducted by Oliver J. Matthews and Edw. Aborn.
"the Unity Club (our purely social body)"
YMCA using Parish House for meetings of Hi-Y Club of High School boys, Tue. mornings.
[Abst.] Dec. 19, 1921, trustees received report from Mr. Hunt urging the need of a choir for the Sunday service
and stating that a leader (non-member) had been secured.
[SB] [1921] fencing exhibition given in evening at Parish House by Sherman Hall, champion of the U.S., and Leo Nunes,
arranged by Laymen's League... Mr Hall formerly resided in East Orange and for several years was a member of the
Orange church. The exhibition was given in the afternoon for the women.
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[Abst.] Jan. 2, 1922, trustees elected O. J. Matthews Pres., G. W. Booth Treas. and M. J. Fischer Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 9, 1922, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures:, | Loans & interest | 453.00 | |
| Other | 5,487.28 | 5,940.23 |
Balance | | | 6.24 |
Voted approval of a plan to organize a choir.
Voted to appoint a committee to collect 100 for Transylvania relief.
10 new members in 1921.
Appointment of committee to work for increased membership.
Alliance gave to Church 100. Other gifts & expenses 266.36
Sunday School enrollment 3 officers, 6 teachers & 31 pupils.
[U.C.] 1922, Pres. Miss Adrianne Graham, VP Mrs S.G. Boyd, Secy Miss Raisa Osborn, Treas Miss Gertrude Swain.
[Cal.] Jan.22,1922, Young People's Sunday. Donald Bartholomew will speak on 'Self Improvement'
all-day sewing being taken up again by W.A, one day every 2 weeks.
[Abst.] Feb. 14, 1922, trustees voted to appoint a committee on Church decoration.
Mr. Matthews presented resignation as Pres. Laid on table.
[Cal.] Mar. 5/12, 1922. Motto now "Life more abundant"
"the chorus choir is ... holding rehearsals every Wed. eve and singing an
anthem at the Sun. morning service."
Committee chairs: Clifford A. Sloan, Ways and Means; George W. Booth, Building and Grounds;
P.D.Langley, Membership and Attendance; W.R.Hunt, Services and Auxiliaries.
"...at the request of the YMCA of Orange, the Minister of our church is filling many appointments for speaking."
[Cal.] Mar.19/26, 1922, notice of appeal for Arkos ("a little town in Transylvania..." with "a large
Unitarian church" - amount needed $100. "100 of our American churches are doing this thing for other places in
[Abst.] Mar. 21, 1922, trustees voted to engage an architect for Church decoration at not over 50.
Voted with thanks to authorize Alliance to lay new carpet in Church and decorate Parish House at their expense.
[Abst.] Apr. 3, 1922, spring meeting.
47 new members since Easter, 1921.
Attendance at Easter 1921, 136.
[SB] Apr.21,1922, letter, Easter Services, church was filled to capacity; 25 new members joined.
[Cal.] Apr.30/May 1 - at Easter, "171 people were in the congregation." "increasing congregation
has made necessary the purchasing of new hymnbooks."
Laymen's League, new President, F. Stanley Howe.
[Abst.] May 1, 1922, trustees voted to permit Sunday School to appoint at their expense a paid Supt. vice E. Aborn
ineligible for reelection until after the lapse of one year.
[Cal.] May 28/June 4,1922 - church school has started a 'Bus' service on a small scale to begin with...
[Alli.] June 7, 1922, 3 p.m., Exec.Bd. Committees: Hospitality, Red Cross, Membership, Housekeeping, Flowers and
Decorations, Alliance Auxiliary, Sunday School.
Program committee report:
- Oct 17, luncheon and business meeting
- Nov 21, evening, Miss Lawrence, Occupational Therapeutics [in the Oranges]
- Dec 1, sale, cafeteria supper
- Dec 19, evening, Birds Christmas Carol
- Dec 23, Birds Christmas Carol for hospital children
- Jan 16, luncheon, business
- Feb 20, evening, Miss Mabel Crosby
- Mar 20, evening, Miss Raida Osborn, "Dress"
- Apr 17, business meeting at 3, election of officers
- May 15 party
$3 to church in Eugene, Ore.
notice of death of Mrs Mary B. Davis
[Cal.] June 11/18,1922, accomplishments of past year: formation of the Chorus Choir; large gain in membership;
public meetings held under auspices of Women's Alliance and Laymen's League.
[Abst.] Sept. 25, 1922, trustees received letter of Sep. 25 from Mr. Hunt tendering his resignation as Minister.
(Not in the minutes, but Mr. Hunt had accepted position as Executive Sec. of the New York office of the AUA.)
[Alli.] Sept.27, 1922, exec.bd ... Mrs Hunt authorized to buy material for curtains for the rooms upstairs
[SB]Sept.28,1922, notice of meeting of Laymen's League - dinner, price $1, "snappy business session over
the coffee cups," then adjournment to Stewart's Bowling Alleys
[Abst.] Oct. 2, 1922, fall meeting, Mr. Matthews reported the conclusion of the membership campaign with 64 new
Voted to approve the formation of a chorus choir, the employment of a soloist (Mrs. Riggins) at 4 per Sunday and an
organist (Mr. Kemmer) for the weekly rehearsal at 10 per Sunday.
Voted to accept with regret Mr. Hunt's resignation as Minister to take effect at a time agreed upon by the trustees.
Voted to appoint a committee to secure a new Minister. Mr. Whittemore (Chairman), Mrs. Curry & Mr. Howe appointed.
Trustees elected: Mrs. S. G. Boyd, F. S. Howe & R. A. Campbell.
[Cal.] Oct.8/15, 1922. Miss Raida Osborne, Superintendent of Sunday School.
[Alli.] Oct.17, 1922, Alliance meeting, 27 present... appeals for contributions to sales in Charleston S.C. and
Hyde Park, Mass - voted to send nothing. Letter was read from Boston on Prohibition literature being forwarded, method
of distrib. left to Pres. - Ruth S. Brennan, Secy.
[Abst.] Oct. 22, 1922, trustees agreed that Mr. Hunt's last service would be Sunday Oct. 29.
[Alli.] Nov. 16, 1922 - Birds Christmas Carol cancelled; to get magician for children at Orthopedic Hosp.
[Abst.] Nov. 17, 1922, special meeting of the society. Voted to call a special meeting to consider a call to
Rev. J. W. B. Day as Minister.
[Alli.] Nov. 21, 1922, 18 present ... coffee and cakes after
[Abst.] Dec. 1, 1922, special meeting of the society. Motion to call Mr. Day failed to secure the necessary
¾ affirmative vote.
[Alli.] Dec. 19, 1922, 35 at luncheon. Mrs Hunt reported losing a towel rack which cost 98 cents. Estim. for new
linoleum in kitchem: $31.50. Purchase of new towel rack, linoleum, and mat for church porch o.k.'d Alliance to
furnish dinner for annual meeting of church. To make articles needed by Mem. Hosp.
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[Abst.] Jan. 3, 1923,trustees elected Mr. Matthews Pres., Mr. Booth Treas. and Miss Swain Sec. Voted to accept Mr.
Sloan's resignation as Trustee.
[Abst.] Jan. 8, 1923, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Disbursements:, | Loans & interest | 452.00 | |
| Other | 5,949.4 | 6,401.40 |
Balance | | | 35.08 |
Voted to grant 100 to the Arkos Church in Transylvania.
Voted that the arrangement for Church Music, as voted at the meeting of Oct. 2, 1922, be continued through 1923.
Elected Mr. Priest as trustee for 2 years vice Mr. Sloan, resig.
Mr. Matthews announced the starting of an every-member-canvass and the envelope system for raising funds.
Sunday School recommended an appropriation of 200. for bus service. School now starts at 9:45 and from 10 to 20 pupils
attend Church later. Has now 2 paid and 5 unpaid teachers. Payment necessary because not enough volunteers could
be secured. Recommended an appropriation from the Church for expenses. Gave 25 toward redecoration of Parish House.
Unity Club, enrollment 15, gave to Church 25.
Laymen's League enrollment 38.
Women's Alliance redecorated Parish House, remodelled the kitchen and carpeted the Church. Gave to Church 200.
[U.C.] Pres. Donald Bartholomew, VP Mrs Margaret R Fuller [replaced by Miss Olive Johnson June 10,1923],
Secy Mrs R.S.Tracey, Treas. Mr H.H.R.Spofford. 33 active members.
[Alli.] Jan.[16], 1923, lunch, 30 present. 62 paid members. Mr H.S. Cummings, Supt of State Bd of Health, talk
on "Religion in Health"
[Alli.] Feb. 20, 1923, 10 present. Made for Orange Mem. Hosp.: 24 screen curtains, 7 kimonas, 35 tray covers.
$25 to Unit. Pension Society. 3 aprons left for sale sent to fair for Isle of Shoals. Decided to put electricity
in vestry and cloakroom and on church porch.
[U.C.] Feb.23, 1923, program under direction of Mr Bartholomew - burlesque of famous men of the present day:
Edw. Aborn representing Lloyd George, Mr. Howe repr. Secy. Hughes, Mr Spofford repr. Dr. Grant, Mr Child repr.
Mayor Hylan, Mr Battis repr "Old Soak." over 100 present.
[Alli.] Mar. 13, 1923, 12 present. Decided on request to serve suppers at Unity Club's monthly meetings - the
Alliance to make any money possible. 10 cents per member for memorial to Mrs Davis.
[Abst.] Apr. 2, 1923, special meeting. Society voted to call Rev. F. H. Kent as Minister from May 1, 1923
[Alli.] Apr. 17, 1923. Electricity in the church, approx cost $68 (Alliance contributed $50). 18 present.
Barrel sent to Shelter Neck, N.C. Sunday Sch. presented Miss Osborne with watch and purse. Appeal read for donation
to fair in Ridgewood, N.J. - decided to send 2 aprons and 2 [?] left from our Fair. Voted $20 to support sending
delegate to Young Peoples week at Isle of Shoals.
"A most interesting letter was read from Mrs. Chapak [Capek] in Prague, telling of her work and living conditions.
She expressed a desire for American magazines to be sent her. Motion ... to take up collection towards fund for
sending three magazines to Mrs Chapak, treasury to make up any deficit. carried."
Pres. Mrs. E.M. Brennan, VB Mrs R.A.Campbell, Secy Mrs. R.S.Tracy, Tr. Mrs Frank Curry
[U.C.] Apr. 27 & 28, 1923 - operetta The Princess Chrysanthemum - Summit Academy Orchestra, Dir. James A. Battis.
[Abst.] May 14, 1923, trustees voted installation service for Mr. Kent on Friday, Oct. 5.
[Alli.] May 18, 1923, 23 present. "Hi Y" committee of the YMCA - there had been weekly meetings but with
smaller numbers than previously. After considerable discussion, decided not to hold strawberry festival in June.
Took collection, $17 collected. Decided send nothing to fair in Wheeling, W.Va.
[Alli.] May 18, 1923, typed report of Florence L. Smith. ... Financial aid was given the Transylvania Fund.
Two barrels of clothing were sent to our Southern schools ... Margaret Aborn has gone out in the field in the work
of the Young Peoiple's Religious Union ... Miss Osborne ... superintending the Sunday School.
3 deaths: Mrs Hoffner, Mrs Sexton, Mrs Hartley. Moved away: Mrs Lewis, Mrs Sheldon, Miss Mirian Sheldon,
Mrs Boyd, Mrs Fuller. Total membership 65, increase of nearly 100 percent in 2 years.
Sending to Mrs Capek: The Youth's Companion, Ladies Home Journal, House Beautiful, American Boy.
[Alli.] June 1923, Exec.Bd. ...Layman's League be asked to cooperate in Fair.
[U.C.] June 10, 1923, special meeting. Unity Club contributed $30 to expense of two delegates to Isles of Shoals.
President reported on his visit to the Metropolitan Conference of Young People held in Philadelphia. "The Orange
Church was reported to be the only society in the conf. district having no Young People's Union."
[SB] June 23, 1923 (Sat. 3 p.m.) Field Day, atheletic field of Cartaret Academy, corn. Central and Essex Ave;
baseball, all ages and both sexes; track meet, "races may be run of 2 legs, 3 legs, and 'last legs'." contests
of strength and skill: Broad Grin ... Throwing the Bull ... Passing the Buck (Special Event for Committee members);
Admission by Smile Only; "The spirit of youth in this life of the church is the hope of the world."
[Abst.] Sep. 6, 1923, trustees accepted resignation of Mrs. Boyd as trustee.
[Alli.] Sep. 20, 1923 ... Mrs Wilmot reported that she had painted the stove. Write R.T. "recommending
appointment of a new janitor with wife who could assist him." - Anna M. Tracy, Secy.
[Abst.] Sep. 24, 1923, trustees received report of music committee that a soloist was not necessary and that Mr. Decker
be asked to continue to train the volunteer choir.
[U.C.] Sept. 30, 1923 - Pres. and VP resigned - Miss Cynthia Aborn chosen Pres, Miss Olga Dana VP
[Abst.] Oct. 1, 1923, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. Frank Curry, G.A. Whittemore and Harry Spofford for 3 years.
Mrs. E. M. Brennan for 2 years.
[Abst.] Oct. 5, 1923, trustees. Mr. Matthews read letter to Mr. Decker of Oct. 1 and Mr. Decker's reply of Oct. 1.
Mr. Decker said that he could not give time to weekday rehearsals of the choir and offered to resign if this was not
[Alli.] Oct.16, 1923, luncheon, 35 members present. Sunday School committee...new plans for the upper classes....
varied subjects will be presented by outside speakers...
problems with the housekeeper...decided to pledge at least $300 toward the church deficit.
[U.C.] Nov. 1923 - film 'Nanook of the North' - "while waiting for adjustment of the moving picture machine
we all enjoyed an old fashioned 'sing' led by Mr. Watson of the YMCA".
[Alli.] Nov.27,1923, 27 present... gifts of $50 from Mrs Williams and $24 from Mrs Oppenheim. Invitation from Mr.Kent
to Alliance "to take charge of regular church service sometime in February. After considerable discussion the
Alliance by a standing vote declined the invitation."
Appeals for contributions to Bazaars...decided to send
articles only to western and southern branches. Mrs. Curry talk on Unitarian work in Transylvania ... letter from
Mrs Capek...
[Alli.] Dec.18, 1923, 42 present. Social Service committee: 20 to 30 boys under direction of the Kiwanis Club
of the Oranges met in the Parish House for Christmas and prepared Christmas gifts for 700 poor children.
Voted to increase pledge to church to $450.
Housekeeper empowered to buy an automatic door closer for men's cloakroom.
Mrs. Littledale talked on her personal experiences as a reporter for the N.Y. Evening Post and other newspapers.
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[Abst.] Jan. 2, 1924, trustees elected G. A. Whittemore Pres., B. C. Jutten Treas. & B. B. Priest Sec.
[SB] Jan.14,15,16, 1924 - announcement for film, Evolution, directed by Raymond L. Ditmars,
Palace Theatre, 4 Main St, afternoons 35¢ evenings 50¢ - auspices of Orange Chapter, Unitarian
Laymen's League.
[Alli.] Jan. 15, 1924, 27 present. Letter from...Mrs Capek. Mrs J.Shelby, talk on experiences in China and Japan.
[U.C.] Jan. 17, 1924 - Pres. Miss Jean Bartholomew, VP Mrs Malcolm Priest, Secy Mrs R.S. TRacey,
Treas. Mr. H.H.R. Spofford. Talk by Mr. Kent on recent scientific deductions made by Dr. Loeb of the Rockefeller Inst.
New Pres. gave "characteristic 'ginger talk' on plans for the coming year."
[Abst.] Jan. 21, 1924, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures,s:, | Loans & interest | 1,059.00 | |
| Other | 7,022.17 | 8,081.17 |
Balance | | | 2.78 |
Revised by-laws adopted
Sunday school enrollment 30, average attendance 25. Asked for 300 in the 1924 budget.
Alliance gave to pension fund 25. Raised 425 by fair. Gave to Church 450.
Laymen's League presented film "Evolution" on Jan 14-16, 1924. Profit about 100.
[U.C.] Jan. 28, 1924 - "Instead of the regular January party about 30 members of the Unity Club attended
a Potter-Straten debate after dinner at the Mary Warner Tea Room in New York."
[Alli.] Feb. 1924; 35 present... "Mr Kent is very desirous that the Christmas and Easter pageants be given
each year by children of the church school and asks that the Alliance make and give costumes for these pageants to
be kept as permanent equipment." (carried)
Miss Grace Colvin, Overseer of the Poor for East Orange, talk.
[U.C.] Feb. 14, 1924, progressive games.
[Alli.] Mar. 18, 1924 ... Mrs Bates, "What Women Should Know about Real Estate."
[Abst.] Mar. 31, 1924, trustees voted to send 100 to Arkos Church.
Voted to appropriate 150 for clerical services during 1924.
Voted to appropriate 50 for special music for rest of year.
Average attendance at church, Sept. to April, 66
[U.C.] Apr. 1, 1924, very severe snow storm - in spite of this about 30 gathered and played bridge and mah jong and
[Abst.] Apr. 4, 1924, spring meeting.
[Alli.] Apr. 15, 1924. Loss of 12 members, addition of 13, total 66. Pres. Mrs Shelby, VP Mrs Campbell, Secy Mrs Tracy,
Treas Mrs Curry.
[U.C.] Apr. 25, 1924, a comedy
[Alli.] May 13, 1924: 31 present. Not enough benefit to Society from sending delegate to Star Island conf.
Talk by Miss Ellis of Newark Vocational Schools on "Homekeeping"
[U.C.] May 21, 1924, a farewell party in honor of Mr & Mrs Magill [instead of Lawn Party]
[Alli.] Sept. 1924 - based on canvass of members, with 36 answers rec'd and $325 pledged, decided on Fair Fund
instead of Fair.
[U.C.] Sep.26,1924 - Mr Spofford resigned as Treas, repl by Mr Matthews
[Abst.] Oct. 7, 1924, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. G. C. Hiss, S. M. Bryant & H. M. Priest.
[Alli.] Oct. 21, 1924, 44 present.
[U.C.] Oct. 31, 1924, Hallowe'en party, 73 present, nearly everyone in costume ... volley ball game with balloons.
polo game by men on kiddiekars. Honeymoon handicaps.
[Alli.] Nov. 16, 1924. "Miss Dudley, Chairman of the Unitarian Team in the Welfare Federation Drive reported
that our team won all three badges: 1. For reporting every day; 2. For making their quota; 3. For largest increase
over last year, collecting in all $761.70 ... our team has a hard section to cover, mostly occupied by foreigners."
[U.C.] Nov,28, 1924, play "His Last Legs" by Wm Bayle Bernard - proceeds to go to new curtains.
[Alli.] Dec. 1924: address by Major Maud Allan of Salvation Army HQ, Newark. Alliance bought curtains and carpet
for Parish House.
[Abst.] Dec. 29, 1924, trustees elected G. A. Whittemore Pres., B. C. Jutten Treas. & R. A. Campbell Sec. Following a
report of the music committee, voted to authorize the Committee to take up with Mr. Decker the question of giving time
for rehearsals of the choir.
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[Abst.] Jan. 12, 1925, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | Loans & interest | 871.00 | |
| Other | 7,206.92 | 8,077.92 |
Balance | | | 70.07 |
Alliance aver. attendance 35. Gave to Church 300.
Eliot Club [established in 1924, a branch of the YPRU] enrollment, 17 active, 11 associate.
29 new members in 1924. Aver. Church attendance 64, compared with 72 in 1923.
[U.C.] 1925, Pres Miss Jean Bartholomew, VP Mrs H.M.Priest, Secy Miss Catherine Conradi, Treas. N.W.Perkins Jr.
[U.C.] Jan.22, 1925, letter from Oliver J. Matthews, offers as gift his payment for curtain above the $100 given
by Unity Club--if he can produce another play without being involved in business end.
[Alli.] Feb. 1925 - guests included representatives from Elizabeth, Montclair and Summit, two directors of
N.J. Associate Alliance, and National President.
[Alli.] Mar. 24, 1925 ... "Mme Capek of Prague then gave us a wonderful account of the work done by her
husband and herself among the people of Czecko-Slovakia."
[SB] Mar.27, 1925, reception to Dr. & Mrs. Norbert F. Capek
[Abst.] Apr. 6, 1925, spring meeting.
[Alli.] Apr. 22, 1925. Pres. Mrs Campbell, VP Mrs Booth, Secy Mrs Roberts, Treas Mrs Curry ... Mrs Booth
reported on the Orange Assoc. of Church Women.
[Abst.] Apr. 23, 1925, trustees voted to request the music committee to consider engaging a precentor to
lead the singing.
Report of reception to Dr. Capek.
[Abst.] May 4, 1925, trustees voted to appropriate 25 toward the expenses of 2 delegates to Star Island.
Music Committee reported that they were unable to engage anyone as precentor unless he were given a contract for
a full year.
[Alli.] May 1925, decided to have a Cheerful Letter Committee and an International Committee.
Decided to have
Associate Members of the Alliance, not connected to the church.
To send Mme Capek: Youth's Companion, Good Housekeeping, House Beautiful, [Psychology?] - Grace Y. Roberts, Secy.
[SB] May 24, 1925, program, Elliot Club, Young Peoples Religious Union, 'Moses,' a pageant, from recently published
play by Lawrence Langner,
[U.C.] 1925-26 officers: Pres Miss Jean Bartholomew, VP Mrs H.M. Priest, Secy Mrs E.M. Brennan, Treas N.W. Perkins
[Abst.] Sep. 21, 1925, trustees voted approval of plan for a preaching mission during the coming winter.
[Abst.] Oct. 5, 1925, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. W. H. Aborn, G. W. Booth & B. C. Jutten.
Voted to authorize the trustees to conduct a 4 day preaching mission at such times as may be agreed upon with the
Laymen's League. Necessary to underwrite a sum of 200, 140 of which has been secured.
[Alli.] Oct. 1925 - Alliance asked to have a woman look after the children during church service.
Handkerchief to Berlin, Mass. for their fair.
Alliance pledged $400 to church.
[Abst.] Oct. 19, 1925, trustees accepted resignation of Mr. Decker as organist.
Music committee recommended that the Church engage an organist to develop a choir, with 1 rehearsal per week, and
supervise the music in the Sunday School at a cost of 12 per week.
[U.C.] Oct.30, 1925 - Halloween Party, about 80 present in costume. Volley Ball with Ballloons, cracker eating
contest. Bobbing for apples. Walk through the ghostly cellar.
[Alli.] Nov. 1925 - sewing done for Memorial and Homeopathic Hospitals. Red Cross plea for knitting of
sweaters for disabled soldiers - several volunteers.
In Welfare Federation Drive, Unitarian Church workers "over the top," collecting $827.50.
[Alli.] Dec.15, 1925 - decided to pack a box of books for primary school in isolated sawmill camp in Arkansas.
Rev. Eliz. Padgham of Rutherford - "Spiritual Nurture of the Child."
[Abst.] Dec. 21, 1925, trustees voted thanks to Mr. Dormitzer for the gift of two pictures.
[Abst.] Dec. 30, 1925, trustees elected G. W. Booth Pres., W. Shakespeare, Treas. & H. M. Priest Sec.
Suggested that the paving assessment of 450 be paid in 3 years at 150 per year.
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[Abst.] Jan. 11, 1926, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | Loans & interest | 1,153.00 | |
| Other | 7,082.10 | 8,235.10 |
Balance | | | 8.69 |
Voted to extend the preaching mission to 5 days.
4 new members in 1925.
Average attendance at Church 68.
Church school enrollment 6 teachers & officers and 45 pupils. The buses transport 25 children.
Eliot Club hung a picture of Dr. C[harles] W. Eliot, the gift of G. A. Whittemore. Club was host at the fall
rally of the Metropolitan Federation.
Alliance average attendance 39. Gave to Church 400 and to Pension Society 25.
[Alli.] Jan. 1926, Exec/Bd. "Voted that the children's hour on Sunday be dispensed with until further
[Abst.] Feb. 1, 1926, trustees voted to accept offer of E. Aborn to write a history of the Church provided the
Church pay for printing.
[Alli.] Feb. 1926 - N.Y.League raising funds to buy the Capeks a car. This church has already contributed.
Notice of joint dinner with Laymen's League to be Mar.16.
[U.C.] Feb.26, 1926 - "cooperation and interest in club activities appeared to be steadily decreasing."
Mr Kent was speaker of the day - "What O'Clock in Religion?"
[Alli.] Mar. 1926 - letter and explanatory booklet about the Friendly Links was received ... Committee ...thought it
a good work for the Eliot Club ...
[Alli.] Mar. 16, 1926 - Parish Dinner under the auspices of the Women's Alliance and Laymen's League ... dinner served
to almost 100 by the Maplewood Group ... guests Russel Kingman cellisr and Carl Rupprecht baritone. Harold A. Littledale
of the N.Y.Times talked on experiences in the far north.
[Abst.] Apr. 5, 1926, spring meeting.
Mr. Kent reported on the preaching mission by Rev. V. T. Pomeroy on 5 evenings Jan. 17-21. Average attendance 130.
22 new members received at Easter.
Church School enrollment 51 pupils. Average attendance since Sept., 39½
[U.C.] Apr.23,1926, "Old Fashioned Social Evening" - directed by Edward Aborn - old time sings and dances
presented in costume, then general dancing, incl. lancers, polka and schottische, foxtrot and twostep. large attendance.
[Alli.] Apr. 1926 - 442 articles completed for Mem. and Homeo. hospitals $15 for Capeks car voted.
Pres Mrs. Frederic H. Town; VP Mrs Harold A Littledale; Sec Mrs Charles B Roberts; Treas Mrs Frank Curry.
[Abst.] May 3, 1926, trustees voted to borrow 500 at 6% to pay the paving assessment. Voted to appropriate 25
toward the expenses of a delegate to Star Island.
[Alli.] May 18, 1926 - "After much discussion ... decided [to] give less money to the Church next year and
instead use the money we make to improve the Kitchen and add to our equipment." "...Mrs Booth be allowed
to go ahead and have cupboards built in the kitchen, also purchase Table Cloths."
[U.C.] June 14, 1926: 1926/27 officers: Pres. Mrs. Mayberry Bryant, VP Raymond Ashley, Secy Miss Eleanor Conradi,
Treas Miss Constance Langley.
[Abst.] Oct. 4, 1926, trustees elected: Mrs. H. A. Littledale, S. V. Brook and A L. Brownrigg.
[Alli.] Oct. 1926. Chronicle Press printed the cards for the Fair Fund without cost. Voted to disregard appeal
for handkerchief for Hyde Park Branch.
[U.C.] Oct.26, 1926, Hallowe'en party, all guests arrived tastefully draped in pillow cases and sheets...
[Alli.] Nov. 16, 1926. Despite heavy rain storm, 39 present - including delegates from Summit, Elizabeth and
Montclair. Speaker Miss Stella P. Beard, on work in Swansboro. Pledge $250 to church.
[Alli.] Dec. 1926. Mrs Dorothy Carmen of Maplewood - talk "Substitutes for Joining"
[U.C/] annual Christmas dance
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[Abst.] Jan. 1, 1927, trustees elected G. W. Booth Pres., W. M. Shakespeare Treas. and H. M. Priest Sec.
[Abst.] Jan.10, 1927, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | Loans & interest | 716.03 | |
| Other | 7,436.08 | 8,152.11 |
Balance | | | 574.08 |
A motion to notify Mr. Kent of the termination of his contract as Minister at the end of 6 months was lost, 11 yeas,
31 noes, 3 blanks.
Church school enrollment 7 teachers & officers, 41 pupils. Gave to Church 65.26.
Eliot Club enrollment 35. Gave to Church 15.
Alliance enrollment 56, average attendance 47. Gave table in vestry. Gave to Church 250.
19 new members in 1926
[Abst.] Jan. 24, 1927, continuation of annual meeting.
[U.C.] Jan.27,1927, motion picture on making of the telephone. Mr.Bell, in costume, retailed Scotch anecdotes.
[Alli.] Feb. 1927 - motion carried "that we pay church deficit if we have sufficient money.". Speaker,
Mr. Waitstill H. Sharp, Sec.Dept.of R.E., AUA, on "What is Religious Education?"
[U.C.] Feb. 1927, card party.
[Alli.] Mar. 1927 - joint Parish Dinner - Women's Alliance and Laymen's League.
[Abst.] Apr. 4, 1927, spring meeting.
Laymen's League advertised sermons of March 6 and 13.
[Alli.] Apr. 1927 - made about 300 articles for the hospital. $55.80 in Swansboro Fund. Renew Youth's Companion
and [Psychology?] for the Capeks.
Pres. Mrs Frederick H. Town, VP Mrs William Shakespeare, Sec Mrs Charles B. Roberts, Treas. Mrs Ernest J. Child.
[U.C.] Apr.1927, party cancelled on account of death of Mrs Ashley
[Alli.] May 1927. Death of member Mrs Dudley noted. $10 to booth at Hotel Commodore for distr.of Unitarian lit.
[U.C.] May 1927, "Pop Concert" - M.C. Edw. Aborn - songs written for occasion by Mr. Aborn - also
wrote and directed several sketches given by members of the Elliot Club - a little play 'The Toy Shop' was
presented by the younger children. Professional talent were Mrs Wilson as reader and Mr. Calder, the soloist
of the Disciples of Christ Church. Refreshments served by girls of the Elliot Club.
[Abst.] Sep. 1, 1927, trustees received letter from Mr. Kent stating that he wished to accept an offer from the
Fiscal Service Corp. Voted leave of absence to Mr. Kent for Sept. on condition that he fill the pulpit for that
[Abst.] Sep. 16, 1927, trustees voted to accept resignation of Nelson Sears as janitor effective Sept. 30 and
to recommend a Gratuity of 20 per month effective Oct. 1.
Voted to request Mr. Booth to arrange a reception to Mr. & Mrs. Kent.
[Abst.] Sep. 21, 1927, special meeting, society voted to accept resignation of Mr. Kent as of Oct. 1, 1927.
[Abst.] Oct. 3, 1927, fall meeting.
Voted to pay to Nelson Sears a gratuity of 20 per month from Oct. 1, 1927, unless otherwise ordered by the Church.
Trustees elected: Mrs. Walter Dormitzer, V. G. Hartman and Emmons White for 3 years and Edward Aborn for 2 years vice
Mr. Brownrigg, deceased.
[Alli.] Oct. 18, 1927 (Adrianne G. Hiss, Secy. filling Mrs Roberts' term) Church School: great need for additional
bus service.
[Alli.] Nov. 22, 1927. "A review of the misunderstanding which arose at the rummage sale between the synagogue
women and our group...&quopt; [re amount due] [adjusted, Dec., paid them $15].
New Orleans to be sent a handkerchief.
[Alli.] Dec. 1927 - church school - activities with a poor family at Christmas
[Abst.] Dec. 19, 1927, trustees voted to appoint a committee to arrange for a social meeting for Mr. & Mrs.
Loughran on Wed., Jan. 4, 1928.
[Alli.] Dec. 29, 1927 - schedule for 2-week stay of ministerial candidate Joseph Loughran and wife and infant
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[Abst.] Jan. 1, 1928, trustees elected G. W. Booth Pres. and Mrs. H. A. Littledale Sec. Election of Treasurer
Voted to call a special meeting of the society on Jan.9, and to recommend the election of Mr. Loughran.
[Abst.] Jan. 8, 1928, trustees elected S. M. Gryant Treasurer.
[Abst.] Jan. 9, 1928, annual meeting. Treasurer's report: Expenditures 6,533.
Sunday School, 8 teachers, 45 pupils.
Alliance enrollment 47. Gave to Church 150.
[Abst.] Jan. 9, 1928, special meeting following the annual meeting. Voted to call Mr. Loughran as Minister effective
Jan. 16, 1928.
[Abst.] Jan. 9, 1928, trustees voted to accept resignation of Mrs. Littledale as trustee.
[Abst.] Jan. 27, 1928, trustees elected Mrs. Conradi as trustee vice Mrs. Littledale.
Voted to appoint a committee on recedorating the Church.
(Mrs. Dormitzer apparently elected Sec. No record in minutes.)
[Abst.] Feb. 5, 1928, society voted resolution on death of W. H. Aborn.
[Alli.] Feb. 21, 1928 - new silver for kitchem $40.35. Card party raised $47.75. "Appeal for old gold and silver
for a melting pot."
[Alli.] Mar.20, 1928, joint meeting with Men of the Church. Plates, cover charge $1.25. Speaker Mr Loughran.
[Abst.] Mar. 18, 1928, trustees voted to recommend to society an expenditure of not over 1,200 for Church decoration.
[Abst.] Apr. 2, 1928, spring meeting. Society voted to authorize the trustees to redecorate the Church at cost of not
over 1,500. Mr. McArthur, organist, resigned effective Apr. 15. Succeeded by Mr. Clarence Wells.
[Alli.] Apr. 17, 1928. Mrs Loughran "gave an intimate review of the life of a student at Oxford."
Pres. Mrs. Charles B. Roberts, VP Mrs William Shakespeare, Sec Mrs G. Crosby Hiss, Treas. Mrs Ernest T. Child.
[Alli.] May 15, 1928 .. subscription to the usual magazines for Madam Capek. Speaker Mrs. George W. Whittemore,
"The prize garden design for the year of N.Y. Botanical Society."
[Abst.] May 23, 1928, Monday, installation of Mr. Loughran as Minister.
[Abst.] Sep. 17, 1928, trustees received report that Church decoration had cost 1,432.82. Special pledges amounted
to 1480.
[Abst.] Oct. 1, 1928, fall meeting.
Trustees elected: Mrs. R. A. Campbell, Mr. McCann & Mr. Osgood.
Mr. Loughran reported the start of a Bible Class on Tuesday evenings in October led by Mr. Richardson. Also Sunday
evening services to be led by Mr. Robinson, Mr. Weirs and Mr. Simons. The Sunday School has 2 professional teachers.
[Alli.] Oct 16, 1928 - luncheon...assisted by the South Orange Group.
[Alli.] Nov. 20, 1928, play "Joint Owners in Spain" - Mrs. Whittemore, Shakespeare, Brook and Priest.
Mrs C.B. Roberts resigned as Pres. VP Mrs Shakespeare accepted duties of Pres.
Christmas check of $5 to Nelson Sears.
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[Abst.] Jan. 2, 1929, trustees elected Victor Brook Pres., S. M. Bryant Treas. and Mrs. Dormitzer Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 14, 1929, annual meeting. Treasurer's report (not including redecoration account)
Expenditures, | Loans & interest | 565.17 | |
| Other | 7,535.29 | 8,100.46 |
Deficit | | | 342.51 |
Sunday School enrollment, 6 teachers, 51 pupils.
Alliance gave 200 to Church & 100 to decoration account.
[Alli.] Jan. 14, 1929. Memorial tablet for Mr. Nathan L. Handy to be unveiled at Feb. meeting.
Steps be taken to install poles in ladies' dressing room upon which coats could be hung--necessitate tearing out many of the
boxes now there.
Voted to send $200 toward church deficit of $950.
speaker Bishop Paul Jones on "Peace"
[Abst.] Jan. 25, 1929, trustees voted to install an electric blower for the organ at a cost 325. and accepted with thanks
Mr. John Dailey's offer of 250 toward the expense.
[Alli.] Feb. 19, 1929, Singer Sewing Machine Co. would supply machines for all-day sewing meeting.
[Alli.] Mar.19, 1929, all-day sewing meeting, with ten power machines, 19 in attendance; 400 articles finished.
[Abst.] Mar. 30, 1929, trustees accepted Mr. Hartman's resignation as trustee.
[Abst.] Apr. 1, 1929, spring meeting.
A memorial tablet to Mr. N L. Handy, gift of the Alliance, was unveiled Feb. 19.
Attendance at Easter 131.
Advertising in New York papers by Metropolitan Conference for 10 Sundays. From the first 2 there were 5 requests
for information from the Oranges. A special collection raised 54.58 for the expense of this project.
[Alli.] Apr.16, 1929, "suggested that Mrs. Littledale be asked to send copy of her magazine 'Children' to
Mme Capek."
Pres. Mrs Shakespeare, VP Mrs Schuman, Sec. Mrs Bertha Hammer Lindsley, Tr. Mrs Hiss
[Abst.] Sep. 16, 1929, trustees elected Irvin Roman as Supt. of S. School. (Mr. V.N.DeLameter attended this
meeting and evidently had been elected trustee to succeed Mr. Hartman but there is no entry in the minutes to this
[Abst.] Oct. 7, 1929, fall meeting.
Mr. Loughran reported that the Sunday School bus had been discontinued at an annual saving of 600.
Trustees elected: Mrs. E. P. Totman, B. B. Priest & B. C. Jutten
[Alli.] Oct.15, 1929 -- 39 att. talk on militarism in education.
[Alli.] Nov.12, 1929 -- Exec.Bd at Mrs. Hiss's , Watchung Ave, Bloomfield.
[Alli.] Nov. 19, 1929 - Miss Estelle Barker of the Educational Dept of Reids Ice Cream plant - talk on ways of
serving attractive desserts easily.
[Alli.] Dec. 1929 -- usual XMas check of $5 to Nelson Sears. Welfare Drive team raised 50 percent over quota.
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[Abst.] Jan. 4, 1930, trustees accepted Mrs. Dormitzer's resignation as Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 5, 1930, trustees elected B. C. Jutten Pres., H. M. Priest Treas. & Mrs. R. A. Campbell Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 13, 1930, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 6,923. |
Deficit | 400. |
Sunday School enrollment, 31. Aver. attendance since summer, 21. Elimination of bus has reduced attendance and
increased tardiness. Gave to Church 25.
Alliance gave to Church 200 and to decoration fund 100.
[Jan. 18, 1930, note from Elizabeth Loughran to Mrs. Lindslay, thanks for flowers sent to hospital.]
[Alli.] March 1930 meeting omitted because of death of the pastor's wife [Mar.17]
[Abst.] Apr. 1, 1930, trustees received report that 685. had been raised toward a fund for the expense of
Mrs. Loughran's illness.
[Abst.] Apr. 7, 1930, spring meeting.
[Alli.] Apr. 1930 - 275 articles made for hosp. [special sewing meeting Apr. 8, Singer Sewing Mach.Co. contributed
the machines]
contributions to.. Minister Pension Fund 25.00, southern schools 10.00, Bronx Free Fellowship 15.00, Mrs. Capek's
magazines 13.95 (also Reader's Digest, gift of Mrs Matthews).
Pres. Mrs.Totman, VP Mrs Schuman, Sec Mrs Grace Y. Roberts, Tr Mrs Hiss.
[Alli.] ...plans for a picnic...to Mrs Shakespeare's farm...
[Abst.] Sep. 23, 1930, trustees voted that the advertising committee be authorized to continue the newspaper
advertising at 3. per Sunday for the rest of the year.
[Abst.] Oct. 6, 1930, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. C. R. Roberts, Van Ness DeLameter and G. W. Booth.
Voted resolution on the death of Edward Aborn.
[Alli.] Nov. 18, 1930. ... For the jewelry, Mrs Bryant reported that the first 100 pieces had been sold. Speaker on
"Reconciliation Trips" made in NYC.
[Alli.] Dec. 1930 Exec.Bd, "discussed the unemployment work going on in the church."
[Alli.] Dec.16, 1930, Alliance meeting. $5 to Nelson Sears. Mr. Loughran spoke of his experiences in Liberia.
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[Abst.] Jan. 6, 1931, trustees elected B. C. Jutten Pres., F. Curry Treas. and Mrs R. A. Campbell Sec.
Mr. Osgood's election as trustee was vacated because he had not qualified for membership.
[Abst.] Jan. 12, 1931, annual meeting. Treasurer's report, Expenditures, 6,719.02
Alliance gave to Church 250. and to repair fund 123.84.
Sunday School enrollment 34.
[Abst.] Feb. 10, 1931, trustees elected F. S. Howe trustee vice Mr. Osgood.
[Alli.] Feb. 17, 1931, notice of death of Anna G. Spencer in Unitarian Newsletter. $15 to Bronx Free Fellowship.
Week of the Blind included a Unitarian Day [last year also].
[Abst.] Mar. 10, 1031, trustees voted to accept gift of 2 candlesticks from Mr. Loughran as memorial to Mrs. Loughran.
[Abst.] Apr. 13, 1931, spring meeting. Ratified election of Mr. Howe as trustee.
[Abst.] May 5, 1931, trustees voted to appropriate 350 for repairs.
[Alli.] May 1931 - voted to discontinue rummage sale. Mrs. Oppenheim offered her summer house at Budd Lake for
a picnic.
[Alli.] Sep.21, 1931 - 29 present.
[Abst.] Oct. 5, 1931, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. Victor Brook, F. S. Howe and B. Aborn 2nd.
Letter read from Mr. Loughran presenting his resignation as Minister effective Oct.31. Referred to trustees with power.
[Abst.] Oct.20, 1931, trustees accepted Mr. Loughran's resignation.
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[Abst.] Jan. 5, 1932, trustees elected B. C. Jutten Pres., F. Curry, Treas. & Mrs. C. B. Roberts Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 11, 1932, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures | 6,151.41 |
Deficit | 341.85 |
Voted to call Rev. E. D. Johnson as minister with details of contract left to trustees. (Later made effective Feb. 1.)
Young peoples group and Sunday School disbanded.
Average Church attendance in 1931 less than 50, compared with 60 in the latter half of 1930. Advertising found ineffective.
[Abst.] Feb. 9, 1932, trustees elected Girard Lindsley trustee vice Mr. DeLamater deceased.
[Abst.] Apr. 4, 1932, spring meeting, ratified election of Mr. Lindsley as trustee to Dec. 31, 1933.
[Abst.] Aug. 2, 1932, special meeting of the trustees to discuss means to surmount an apparent deficit of 1,000 for
the year. Members of the Board agreed to a special personal canvass of such former subscribers as might be assigned
to them. Voted reduction in pay to organist & janitor and appointed committee to determine whether the gratuity
to Nelson Sears could be shifted to the Old Age Pension fund.
[Abst.] Sep. 20, 1932, trustees voted to reduce the gratuity to Nelson Sears from 20 to 10 per month for Oct. &
Nov. & Dec. without commitment thereafter.
Mr. Johnson suggested (1) use of a fund "mile of pennies" (2) increase in Church attendance (3) transportation
for members from a distance.
[Abst.] Oct. 3, 1932, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. Walter Dormitzer, S. M. Bryant and H. M. Priest.
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[Abst.] Jan. 3, 1933, trustees elected F. S. Howe, Pres., F. Curry, Treas. and Mrs. C. B. Roberts Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 9, 1933, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | Loans & interest | 504.32 | |
| Other | 4,532.99 | 5037.31 |
Balance | | | 60.06 |
Notes outstanding | | 550.00 |
The treasurer reported that the deficit was largely reduced by a gift of 350. from Mrs. Williams in memorial to
her sister Mrs. Frank Curry.
Report of the Minister very favorably received. Mr. Matthews offered to defray expense of printing.
Alliance gave to Church 300.
Sunday School gave to Church 25.
Treas. reported the disbursement of an anonymous gift for the purchase of an automobile for the Minister.
[Abst.] Apr. 10, 1933, spring meeting. Mr. Johnson read a list of memorials to the Church, with the names of
the donors.
[Abst.] List of gifts to the Church, with names of donors and dates of minutes
in which gifts were reported. Based on a list read to the Church by Rev. E. D. Johnson, April 10, 1933.
Date of Minutes | Gift | Donor |
Dec. 6, 1891 | 1 tankard 1 baptismal bowl 2 plates | South Congregational Church,
Boston, Rev. Edward Everett Hale, Minister |
Dec. 6, 1891 | 1 cup | Miss Lydia W. Dutton |
Dec. 6, 1891 | 1 cup | Miss Mary M. Dutton |
Dec. 6, 1891 as of Oct. 4, 1891 | 1 communion cup | In loving memory of Elias T. Milliken and Emily
M. Milliken by their daughter Emily Jose Hale (Mrs. Edward Hale) |
May 7, 1893 | 1 communion table 2 chairs | Mrs. Sarah S. Hooper, Boston |
Mar. 18, 1895 | $25. for bookcase | Second Branch Alliance, Boston |
Mar. 18, 1895 | $25. for books | Second Congregational Church Alliance |
Apr. 13, 1904 | Parish House (and window) | Mrs. N. L. Handy as memorial to Mr. Handy |
Dec. 15, 1913 | 1 tree box 1 umbrella stand | Mr. J. M. Fiske |
Dec. 15, 1913 | Window chains | Mr. Heath |
May 4, 1914 | Pulpit | Mr. W. H. Aborn as memorial to his Mother, Mrs. Margaret Aborn |
Jan. 15, 1915 | Reliefs in Parish House | Memorial to Miss Ella Swan |
Oct. 4, 1915 | Picture of Henry F. Hitch | Miss Sylvia Hitch and other members of the family |
May 1, 1916 | Acousticon | Mr. J. A. E. Stewart |
Mar. 27, 1917 | Standard for flag | Mr. J. M. Fiske |
Apr. 2, 1918 | Portrait of W.H.Taft | Men's Club |
Dec. 13, 1920 | Hymn Books | Anonymous |
Jan. 10, 1921 | Flag for Sunday School | Junior Alliance |
Jan. 18, 1921 | Bulletin Board | Mrs. Matthews |
Dec. 21, 1925 | 2 pictures | Mr. Dormitzer |
Jan. 11, 1926 | Picture of C.W.Eliot | Mr. G. A. Whittemore |
Jan. 10, 1927 | Vestry table | Women's Alliance |
Apr. 1, 1929 | Memorial tablet to Mr. N. L. Handy | Women's Alliance |
Mar. 10, 1932 | 2 candlesticks | Rev. J. S. Loughran as memorial to Mrs. Loughran |
Jan. 9, 1933 | $350 | Mrs. Williams as memorial to her Sister Mrs. Frank Curry |
Jan. 8, 1934 | Hearing device | Mr. O. J. Matthews |
Oct.1, 1934 | Hearing device | Mr. & Mrs. Matthews |
Other gifts noted by Mr. Johnson but not reported in the minutes.
Font | William & Lena Patterson in memory of their infant children. |
Hymn board | Mrs. W. H. Aborn in memory of her husband. |
Brass vase | Mrs. Thomas Chubb |
Tablet in memory of Mr. Edward Aborn | Eliot Club |
Tablet in memory of her Husband and Son | Mrs. Van Ness De Lameter |
Picture of Rev. Edward Hale | Miss Anna Chamberlain's Sunday School class |
Small silver pitcher | ? |
Plate for communion glasses | Mrs. Margaret Aborn |
Picture in Parish House | Memorial to Miss Ella Swan |
Large Bible | Mrs. Margaret Aborn in memory of Rev. Mr. Camp. |
[Abst.] Oct. 2, 1933, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Miss Mabel Dowse, Miss Marian Holbrook and Girard Lindsley.
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[Abst.] Jan. 8, 1934, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | notes & interest | 172.34 | |
| Other | 4,1,31.52 | 4,303.861 |
Balance | | | 36.83 |
Voted thanks to Mr. Matthews for the gift of a new hearing device.
Alliance gave to Church 200.
Young People's Society gave to Church 30.
[Abst.] Jan. 19, 1934, trustees elected F. S. Howe Pres., F. Curry Treas. and Miss M. B. Dowse Sec.
Voted to accept resignation of H. M. Priest as trustee.
[Abst.] Feb. 23, 1934, trustees voted to recommend to Church the installation of new equipment for heating the
Church & Parish House.
[Abst.] Apr. 5, 1934, trustees received from Mr. Hunt an explanation of the terms on which a loan could be
secured from the Building Loan Fund of AUA for the installation of a new heating system.
[Abst.] Apr. 9, 1934, spring meeting.
Elected E. P. Totman trustee vice H. M. Priest.
Voted to authorize the trustees to renovate the heating plant of the Church & Parish House at a cost of not over
1,250. Voted to apply to building Loan Fund for a loan of not over 1,500 without interest, repayable 20% per year.
Voted to authorize the trustees to solicit special subscriptions to reduce the amount of the loan required for the
above repairs.
[Abst.] Apr. 15, 1934, trustees elected B. C. Jutten Asst Treas. Voted that F. Curry, Treas., B. C. Jutten,
Asst. Treas. and F. S. Howe, Pres., or any two of them, shall be the officers authorized to sign checks, notes, drafts,
etc. against the account of the Church.
[Abst.] May 27, 1934, trustees received report that repair work on the heating plant and organ could be done for
about 500. Authorized. Authorized special solicitation of funds for this work.
[Abst.] Sep. 23, 1934, trustees received report on repairs: Total cost 650. Subscriptions received 300. Voted to
ask Building Loan Fund for 350. and authorized 5 members of the Board to sign note,
[Abst.] Oct. 1, 1934, fall meeting. Voted approval of action of trustees in conduct of repair work. Voted thanks
to Mr. & Mrs. Matthews for the installation of a new hearing device.
[Abst.] Oct, 21, 1934, trustees voted approval of a plan for a "visitation" campaign to secure active
participation in Church activities and attendance on the part of those who had recently signified interest in the
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[Abst.] Jan. 14, 1935, annual meeting. Treasurer's report:
Expenditures, | notes & interest | 125.41 | |
| Other | 3,964.61 | 4,090.02 |
Balance | | | 40.06 |
Indebtedness | | 600.00 |
Voted resolution on the death of Mrs. Helen T. Durand.
Voted approval of a budget comparable with the one of 1934 on condition that trustees be authorized to deduct
from the salary of the Minister a sum not to exceed 20% of each monthly payment until such time as the pledges
for the year justify paying the same amount as last year.
Voted that the collection plate be passed for 3 months.
Trustees elected: Miss Raida Osborn, G. W. Booth & B. C . Jutten.
Alliance enrollment 47. Active members 18. Gave to Church 200.
Sunday School gave to Church 3.30.
[Abst.] Jan. 14, 1935, trustees elected B. C. Jutten Pres., Girard Lindsley Treas. and Miss Dowse Sec.
[Abst.] Jan. 21, 1935, trustees received resignation of B. C. Jutten as President and trustee. Voted to
lay on table.
[Abst.] Apr. 1, 1935, spring meeting.
Voted to continue Sunday collections for the rest of the year.
Voted to take steps to enroll in the Free Church Fellowship.
Voted that the members be invited to participate in discussions outlined by the Commission of Appraisal.
[Abst.] Sep. 30, 1935, trustees approved action of Mr. Jutten in placing valuable Church records in his
personal safe deposit box for safe keeping.
[Abst.] Oct. 7, 1935, fall meeting. Trustees elected: Mrs. R. A. Campbell, Clarence Webber and E. P. Totman.
[Abst.] Dec. 15, 1935, trustees as a result of a recommendation by Mr. Booth voted to reduce the insurance on
the Church property.
Trustees elected B. C. Jutten Pres., G. W. Booth Acting Pres., Hirard Lindsley Treas. and Miss Dowse Sec.
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[Min.] Jan. 13, 1936, annual meeting. Treasurer's report for 1935 called attention to success of Sunday
collections; closed year with all bills paid (including $210 carried over from 1934). Budget of $4000 adopted.
[Min.] Mar. 30, 1936, authorized payments to AUA $50, Pension Society $15, Metro. conf. $10; $25 for
Mr.Johnson's travel to AUA annual meeting; authorized Mr Johnson to select two lay delegates to AUA meeting.
[Min.] Apr. 6, 1936, spring meeting. Whether to discuss report of Appraisal Commission at trustees meetings
with invitation to church members, or at forums after services, left open. New roof on souh of church bldg
needed, est cost $129.
[Min.] May 26, 1936, Pres. authorized to accept bid on repairs to plastering in ceiling of parish house.
Final service before summer to be June 21, first service in fall to be Sept 13.
[Min.] Sept.25,1936, salaries for Aug. and a $70 installment due AUA not yet paid; voted to give salaries priority.
Need $500 more to balance budget. Voted to allow music club use of parish house Monday evenings in winter at $2 per evening.
[Min.] Oct.5,1936, fall meeting. Revised membership list to be posted for review. Elected as trustees: Mrs. F. E. Town,
Benj. Aborn 2d, Mr B.B.Priest. Treas. rept: total expenditures $2509; deficit $129.
[Min.] Dec. 11, 1936. Voted to reduce fire ins. on ch. from $18,000 to $15,000. Revised membership list adopted
(115 names). Voted to give Mr.Homans, the janitor, $5 for Christmas. Agreed to ask AUA for stencilled names &
addresses of ministers, and to write them asking for names of Unitarians known to have moved to this vicinity.
Voted to pay $5 for Wayside Pulpit. Board elected Pres. Mr. Jutten, Pres.pro tem Mr. Booth, Secy.Mr.Priest,
Treas. Mr. Lindsley.
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[Min.] Jan. 11, 1937, annual meeting. Treas. Rept: expenditure $3.539, deficit $61. Adopted budget of $3825.
Ch. dues to Metro.Conf. to be $15; Women's Alliance to be entitled to a Director on the Board. Mr. Jutten reported
on meeting of Mr. Joy, Exec V-P of AUA, with the trustees et al. Treasurer authorized to borrow up to $1000.
Women's Alliance, 35 active members, exec. comm.of 15; hosted state meeting of NJ Associate Alliance last April,
with 156 members & guests; gave $200 to church.
[Min.] Jan. 24, 1937, special trustees meeting; accepted Girard Lindsley's resignation as Treasurer; elected
Benj. Aborn 2nd in his place.
[Min.] Mar.15, 1937, special trustees meeting. Voted to pay Mr. Johnson's expenses in attending Metro. Conf.
meetings for the year. Approved $15 contrib. to U. Service Pension Society, and $50 to AUA.
[Min.] Apr. 5,1937, spring meeting. Signature of either the Treasurer or the President to be sufficient on
church checks. Delegates to May AUA meeting to be Mr, E.P. Totman, Mrs E.P. Totman, & Mr B.C.Jutten;
instructed to vote for Dr. Fred M. Eliot for AUA Pres.
[Min.] June 3, 1937. Last service before summer to be June 20, opening service in fall Sept.12.
Appropriate not over $10 for special music for June 20.
[Min.] Sept.27, 1937, trustees. Treas. rept noted $278 must be raised to meet budget. Voted $70 due AUA Sept.23
to be paid.
[Min.] Oct.4, 1937, fall meeting. Ways & Means Comm. reported indebtedness stood at $365, being taken down
at $50 per year. Rev. Johnson reported ... Sun. Sch. still a problem; suggested group meeting every Sun. night for
denominational & religious studies; appealed for more support for Red Cross meetings. Elected trustees:
Mrs. G.P. Swaine and Mr. Gustave Becker. Miss Dana suggested group to learn hymns and make the service more
[Min.] Dec.20,1937. Treasurer instructed to pay: $5 to renew Wayside Pulpit subscription; $5 Christmas present
to janitor; $15 dues to Metro. Conf. of Free Churches; pay off note of $225 at Orange 2nd Nat'l Bank. Adopted as
official list of members dated Nov.1,1937. Thanks to Mr. Jutten for preparing abstract of the minutes from 1890-1935.
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[Min.] Jan. 3, 1938. Trustees elected Mr. B.B. Priest Pres., Mr. Aborn Treas. and Mrs. Mary B. Swain Secy.
Preparation of 1938 budget left to Mr.Priest, Mr. Aborn, &. Mr. Howe.
[Min.] Jan.10, 1938. Annual meeting. Treasurer's and Ways & Means Comm. report: expenses $3788, surplus $67;
all interest-bearing loans retired; only debt remaining is $140 to AUA without interest. Proposed budget of $3700
amended by taking $15 from travel and adding $10 to AUA fund and $5 to Metro.Conf; then passed. Elected Mr. Louis B.
Dailey trustee. Prtoposal for joint concert to raise funds for music referred to music committee. Treas. empowered
to buy one copy of the new hymn book for $1.25, for members to evaluate. (Detailed report of Womens Alliance, incl.
note of correspondence with Madame Capek.)
[Min.] Mar. 21, 1938. Voted that music committee talk to Mr. Wells about his intention to be absent Easter and
request he provide substitute. Music committee authorized to canvass members of church for subscriptions for new
hymnals. Mr. Johnson's suggestion for more frequent trustees meetings approved in general.
[Min.] Apr. 4, 1938, spring meeting. Rev. Johnson suggested that three business meetings per year was more than
necessary, suggested two business meetings and two social meetings. Canvas showed 56 copies of new hymnal
subscribed for and three purchased. Discussion of need to repair organ. Matters of hymnals and organ referred to
the trustees.
[Min.] May 3, 1938. Mr. Totman, chair of H&G reptd that Wayside Pulpit sign would be repaired and
painted, and lawn would be looked at by a gardner. Membership chair reported that Mr. Adolph Breschel,
19 Webster Pl, Orange, had signed ch.book. Voted to auth. Mr.Priest & Mrs. Swain to appoint delegates to
May meeting. Last service before summer to be June 26, first in fall Sept.11 or Sept.18. Music chair Mrs. Towne
reptd min.cost to repair organ would be $150; Mr Griffith had agreed to loan Hammond organ & organist May 11;
new Hammond ogan would cost $1300 after allowing $100 for present organ. Voted not to buy new hymnals or new
organ at this time, and not to repair present organ until absolutely necessary.
[Min.] May 15, 1938, special meeting of church, authorized trustees to appoint delegates to May 22-28 AUA meeting.
Letters of thanks to Griffith Piano Co. for use of its electric organ at May 11 musicale, and to performers.
[Min.] Sept.7, 1938. Mrs. Swain resigned as Sec., Louis B. Dailey elected in her stead. Discussion of letter
Mr Jutten proposed to send to members over his personal signature concerning the condition of the church and its
lessening influence. Mr. Priest instructed to invite Mr Jutten to attend special trustees meeting. Mrs Campbell
appointed chair of Nominating Comm.
[Min.] Sept.15,1938. Trustees met with Mr Jutten; general agreement with him as to facts; Mr J willing to refrain
from sending letter if Board wished to take initiative; discussion of form and contents of notice of Fall meeting.
Mr J. offered to write AUA to learn cost of making survey of the church.
[Min.] Sept.18,1938. Trustees approved draft of notice of Fall meeting. John Heller of Wilton CT had signed
church roster; membership appreoved. Notice of Fall meeting: "... the Church is not increasing its activities
and influence and may possibly be losing ground ... some action should be taken now. ... one suggestion ... is that
AUA be asked to make a survey of the condition of hour Ch. and to submit recommendations..."
[Min.] Oct.3,1938. Fall meeting. Elected as trustees Miss Osborn and Miss Dana. Mrs. Campbell, chair of
Nomin. Comm. reptd unable to find any suitable man willing to serve as trustee; Mr.Priest said Bd. would dill
vacancy subj. to confirmation at later ch.mtg. After discussion, voted 20 to 5 to instruct Bd.of Trustees to
request AUA to conduct survey of the church to determine causes of its lack of progress and recommend restorative
action. Treas. auth. to borrow up to $300 for current exp. Special collection to be taken Oct.16 for Hurricane
Emergency Fund of $15,000 being raised by AUA.
[Min.] Nov.30, 1938. Rev. Dale DeWitt met with trustees and outlined the procedures of his survey.
[Min.] Dec.19,1938, informal meeting of the church with Rev.DeWitt. 35 members present.
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