chalice with rainbow flame
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Essex County


Adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 8, 2004

The First UU Church of Essex County is committed to provide a safe, emotionally supportive environment for all members and friends and their children. We recognize that we often are in a unique position to learn of circumstances in the lives of children and adults where there may be a need for intervention and healing.

To insure a safe and emotionally supportive environment the following steps shall be implemented:

A. Selection of Workers with Children and Youth

All RE teachers and other adults working with children and youth will ...

B. Supervision Guidelines

C. Formation of a Safe Congregation Team

D. Monitoring of Policy and Procedures

While the main focus of this policy is directed to those involved in working with our children and youth, all members of the First UU Church of Essex County and visitors carry a responsibility to provide a safe and caring community where children can begin the lifelong process of spiritual discovery. Therefore the Safe Congregation Policy will be accessible for the congregation as a whole.


Code of Ethics for Adults and Older Youth who are in leadership roles with children/youth*

Adults and older youth who are in leadership roles are in a position of stewardship and play a key role in fostering spiritual development of both individuals and the community. It is, therefore, especially important that those in leadership positions be well qualified to provide the special nurture, care and support that will enable children and youth to develop a positive sense of self and a spirit of independence and responsibility.

The relationship between young people and their leaders must be one of mutual respect if the positive potential is to be realized. There are no more important areas of growth than those of self-worth and the development of a healthy identity as a sexual being. Adults play a key role in assisting children and youth in these areas of growth. Wisdom dictates that children, youth and adults suffer damaging effects when leaders become sexually involved with young persons in their care; therefore leaders will refrain from engaging in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with children and youth. Neither shall they sexually harass or engage in behavior with youth which constitutes verbal, emotional, or physical abuse.

Leaders shall be informed of the code of ethics and agree to it before assuming their role. In cases of violation of this code, appropriate action will be taken.


I have read and understand the above statements of position, expectations and actions.
_____________ _____________________________________
Date (Name printed)
(Name signed)

*This Code of Ethics was adopted by the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1986.


MANDATORY REPORTERS of Child Abuse and Neglect (New Jersey Statute 9:6-8.10): "Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse. "