Sunday September 8th, 10 AM Ingathering, and 11 AM Special Congregational Meeting
This year, our annual Ingathering service will be a little different. Please come for our traditional cookies & lemonade on the front lawn (weather permitting) at 10 AM. Please see The Celebration Space article on Page 5 for details. Immediately following the service, there will be a Special Congregational Meeting in the Parish Hall at 11 AM. This will set a course for the future of our congregation for the foreseeable future. We encourage all Members who can attend to please attend.
The Special Congregational Meeting concerns the ministerial vacancy, pursuant to Bylaws Art.XIII. Sec.5.
Sunday September 15th, 11:15 AM - East-West Sunday - Wayne Eastman & Darcy Hall
Welcome to the inaugural session of the bold experiment at our church. Led and coordinated by long-time members Wayne Eastman and Darcy Hall, we encourage members to attend and invite those they know who might find the topics presented interesting.
Sunday September 22nd, 10:30 AM - When Things Don't Measure Up - Rev. Allen Wells
How can we live wih what we've got? We might make things worse by searching for meaning through complex theologies and philosophies. Rev. Wells will explore how we can avoid such pitfalls.
When asked for "occupation" on an application form, Allen writes "student".
Allen currently serves The Morristown Unitarian Fellowship as Affiliated Community Minister, and has a private, mindfulness-based psychotherapy practice in Morristown. Formerly, he directed The Allen Wells Center for Psychotherapy and Healing in Morristown, NJ. He also served as a psychotherapist at the DiMele Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy in Manhattan. A native of Virginia, he has served as minister of the UU Congregation of Rockland Country NY and, before that, at UU congregations in North Weymouth, MA, Queens and Brooklyn, NY. He has also directed the religious education program for the UU Congregation of Monmouth County in Lincroft, NJ and The Morristown Unitarian Fellowship. In 2009, he graduated from an intensive Integrated Study Practice Program at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies and he is presently preparing for a six weeks silent meditation retreat at the Insight Meditation Society in MA.
Allen's interest lies in integrating our internal, personal, psychological world that we commonly call spiritual with our external, social, economic, environmental world, that we usually consider material. You can find him teaching meditation or on the picket line. He is an earth-centered, Buddhist, UU, or as he says more informally: a "Gaia Bu U". He acknowledges that he hasn't written any books because he says he would rather spend the time ballroom dancing.
Sunday September 29th, 10:30 AM - Round Table Discussion of Proposed Merger with Montclair Congregation
Premiering last year, these unstructured gatherings will be scheduled on the fifth Sunday of the month for Members to meet and discuss ideas and issues that concern them, both inside the church and out.
Portion of message from President Darcy Hall concerning this Sunday's Round Table:
This coming Sunday, September 29, begining at 10.30AM, our church will hold a Round Table Discussion. The focus will be continuing dialogue on the proposed merger of our church with the Montclair Congregation. Coffee will be served. Members are invited to bring snacks and other food to share.
To facilitate and structure our ongoing dialogue on this important topic, three committees have been formed, each of which will be co-chaired by one (or two) of our members AND one Montclair member. We are seeking participation from church members to serve on one of these committees. If you are interested, please send an email directly to me.
Orange Church Co-Chairs
- Finance Committee: Bill Slezak, Co-Chair
- Governance Committee: Wayne Eastman and Cindy Long, Joint Co-Chairs
- Worship Committee: Frank Barszcz, Co-Chair
The Montclair Co-Chairs are currently in the process of being appointed.
Based on our shared goal of moving quickly to initiate dialogue between our two congregations, Reverend Charles Ortman and I hope to call a meeting of the Orange and Montclair Co-Chairs next Thursday, October 3 for a first meeting.
See also the September 22nd sermon by Rev. Ortman, If There Were No Limits, What Would You Choose?
Sunday, October 6th, 10:30 AM -- Beloved Community Sunday
This is NOT a worship service! This is NOT a political meeting! Beloved Community Sunday is a time when ALL people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of Orange can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Beloved Community Sundays are the first Sunday of every month from October through May. For more information and directions, call 973-674-0010 or email minister [at]
Sunday, October 13th, 10:30 AM -- Report From GA -- Georgiana Hart
Church member Georgiana Hart will bring us highlights from this year's General Assembly, held in Louiswille, KY last June. Aming those will be a workshop on the promises and limitations of the Roe v. Wade, and how they relate to one of the successfully passed Actions for Immediate Witness: Stop and Frisk policies.
Wednesday, October 16th, 7:30 PM -- Board of Trustees meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, October 20th, 11:15 AM* -- East-West Sunday: Confucius -- Wayne Eastman & Darcy Hall
*Take the eastbound train to Orange arriving at 11:04 or drive.
We encourage members to attend and to invite people who might be interested. We'll continue to create an informal, café atmosphere conducive to an "all ages together" (babies and toddlers are most welcome!) alternative spiritual experience. This month will focus on China and on Confucius as a boy. We had a good roll-out last month, and are hoping for an even better follow-up this time. Tell your friends, especially if they have young children!
Sunday, October 27th -- There will be NO SERVICE at the Orange church; we are invited to attend the service at
the UU Congregation at Montclair (10 a.m., with sermon entitled
"Who Do You Think You Are?" by Rev. Charles Blustein Ortman.)
November 3rd, 10:30 AM -- Beloved Community Sunday
This is not a worship service, and not a political meeting. Beloved Community Sunday is a time when all people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of Orange can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Tuesday, November 5th, 6:30 p.m. -- Farewell Dinner for Darrell and Kathleen --
at Hat City Kitchen; if you can attend please tell Darcy Hall, president [at]
November 10th, 10:30 AM -- The Very Hardest Thing -- Rev. Dr. Edward Frost
The faith of a young woman in the 18th century the village of Braintree, Massachusetts would have been built by simple Sunday School lessons. She would learn first that there is a God and that God is good never mind the complications of evil yet. She would learn Bible verses by heart. She would learn the basic rules of the Christian life: live by the Beautitudes, the Golden Rule, and the Ten Commandments. Only gradually would truths be discovered and come to bear on this simple faith in God’s goodness and loving care for his children. Then, as John Adams’s daughter said, comes “the very hardest thing.”
Dr. Edward Frost is the Senior Minister Emeritus of The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, where he served from 1989 to his retirement in 2005. Following graduation from seminary, Dr. Frost earned degrees from Boston University and the Doctor of Ministry degree from Meadville/Lombard at the University of Chicago. He is the author of “With Purpose and Principle,” a history of the development of the Principles and Purposes and “Coming Alive,” a book of sermons and short writings. He is the father of three adult children,and has three grandsons (and another on the way).
Tuesday, November 12th, 7:30 p.m. - Celebrations & Music Committee meeting, Sonen Room.
November 17th, 11:15 AM -- East-West Sunday: Buddha
Led and coordinated by long-time members Wayne Eastman and Darcy Hall, we encourage members to attend and invite those they know who might find the topics presented interesting. We’ll continue to create an informal, café atmosphere conducive to an “all ages together” (babies and toddlers are most welcome!) alternative spiritual experience. This month will focus on Buddha. We had a good roll-out last month, and are hoping for an even better follow-up this time. Tell your friends, especially if they have young children!
Wednesday, November 20th, 7:30 p.m. -- Board of Trustees Meeting, Sonen Room.
November 24th, 10:30 AM-- [Homecoming] Sagra Della Castagna - The Chestnut Harvest in Southern Italy --
Rev. Phil Passantino
Those roasted chestnuts on our Thanksgiving table come from somewhere... they come from Italy! Phil shares the wild story of his cultural adventure in search of his roots in Calabria during their October harvest festival, with some funny Italian folk songs and a folk tale.
Phil Passantino has officiated weddings on TV (Style Network's "Glam Fairy") and radio (WPLJ-FM's "Scott & Todd Morning Show"). He's spoken at UU fellowships from Ireland to Louisiana. He presents educational kids' programs to schools and libraries. He's also a songwriter who plays a mean accordion, African mbira, and guitar. His website is
Sunday, December 1st, 10:30 a.m. -- Beloved Community Sunday
This is not a worship service, and not a political meeting. Beloved Community Sunday is a time when all people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of Orange can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Sunday, December 8th, 10:30 a.m. -- Gratitude Revisited -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
In her poem, entitled "otherwise," the poet Jane Kenyon reflects on her blessings:
"I got out of bed on two strong legs. It might have been otherwise. I ate cereal, sweet milk, ripe, flawless peach. It might have been otherwise. I took the dog uphill to the birch wood. All morning I did work I love. . . . It might have been otherwise. I slept in a bed in a room with paintings on the walls, and planned another day just like this day. But one day, I know, it will be otherwise."
May we look to this day as an invitation to living fully and completely in the now, the world of love, loss and hope for better tomorrows.
Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey graduated from The University of the District of Columbia with a dual BA in Anthropology and Sociology, and earned a Master of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary in the District of Columbia specializing in Urban Ministry. He is presently the Consulting Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Pomona, NY, and has served Unitarian Universalist congregations in Garden City, NYC, Washington DC, Utica and Oneonta NY in various ministry positions. A Board Certified Clinical Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor with the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, he is also a candidate at the Harlem Family Institute for certification in Psychotherapy. Additionally, Rev. Bailey has a small Consulting, Counseling and Coaching practice with institutions, individuals and families and is Founder/President/CEO of New York Interfaith Associates, Inc., a new not-for-profit organization devoted to Interfaith Dialog, Clinical Pastoral Education and practical training (CPE/T) as well as Spiritual Care. He is married to Lisa Stiffler Bailey and they have four children (Jennifer, Devin, Ethan, Darien) between them and one grand daughter (Kai). They currently live in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan.
Sunday, December 15th, 10:30 a.m. -- Special Congregational Meeting (in lieu of regular service)
Agenda includes: hiring of a new part-time Consulting Minister; approving a revised budget; further action with regard to merger with Montclair congregation.
Wednesday, December 18th, 7:30 p.m. -- Board of Trustees Meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, December 22nd, 10:30 a.m. -- The Fear Of Dark And Light Of Love -- Rev. Allen Wells
On this first full day of winter with the longest night only one day past, let's consider the gifts the night may bring us if we're not too afraid to experience the dark. You are also invited to bring along your favorite Christmas story to share.
Rev. Allen Wells is currently Director of Allen Wells Counseling in Morristown, N.J. a holistic mind/body, congregations in Weymouth, Mass., Hollis Queens and at The First Unitarian Church of Brooklyn as well as Director of Religious Education for the UU Congregation of Monmouth County and the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship. He graduated from the Religion and Health in NYC. Formerly a therapist of the DiMele Center for Counseling & Psychotherapy in Manhattan, Allen's life long interest has been in unifying the internal, personal, psychological world, commonly called "spiritual", and the external political, social, economic, environmental world, -- the material world. He defines himself as an earth-centered, Buddhist, UU.
Sunday, December 29th, 11:00 A.M.- Roundtable: Home-cooked Breakfast plus New Year,
New Beginning for First UU
Church members will be preparing and serving a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and mimosas to share as a celebration of the season. Discussion will center around important changes in the life of the church: our new minister, Gordon Clay Bailey; plus updates on and continuing discussion of First UU's progress towards merging with Montclair.
Sunday, January 5th, 2014, 10:30 A.M.
Beloved Community Sunday
Beloved Community Sunday is a time when people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of the City of Orange, NJ can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Tuesday, January 7th, 7:30 P.M. -- Celebrations & Music Committee meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, January 12th, 10:30 a.m. --
A New Season, A New Lease on Church -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
As we step into a new year we have an opportunity to alter the course of our lives and the trajectory of this congregation's life. The New Year and all of the hoopla about leaving the bad behind and stepping into the new gives us both the audacity to dream ourselves anew along with the justifications to do so. Please join us for a service about the future of this congregation, you and how you can make real steps this year towards our best selves and a better UU.
Tuesday, January 14th, 7:30 P.M. -- Board of Trustees meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, January 19th, 10:30 a.m. --
Universalism, Our Best Hope For A Peaceful World -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Our world has fought many wars over religions. We in fact continue to be plagued by religious intolerance and dare I say a lack of acceptance of other beliefs to this very day and in this very community. This service is about what I think is the greatest idea known to religiosity, Universalism! Join us for an engaging theoretical and philosophical experience.
Sunday, January 26th, 10:30 a.m. --
Langston Hughes - In Poetry, and Jazz -- Rev. Ben Bortin, with
Dave Braham on piano, Ray Johnston on woodwinds, Hassan Shakur on bass, Greg Buford on drums
Langston Hughes would often go to jazz night clubs to write what turned out to be timeless poetry. His aim was to transmit in words what he heard in the sounds and rhythms of jazz. His was an uncommon eye into the African American experience, but beyond that, into life itself. The results led him to be known as the Black poet laureate of the twentieth century. A look at the life, the spirituality, and the poetry, with jazz backdrop, of Langston Hughes.
Rev. Ben Bortin served UU congregations in Duluth, Minnesota for eight years, and Staten Island, NY for 21 years. A graduate of Starr King School for Religious Leadership, he currently serves as Membership Coordinator at the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, in Manhasset, NY. He serves on the Board of Project Hospitality in Staten Island (which assists homeless and low-income people), and is past President of the UU United Nations Office.
Sunday, February 2nd, 10:30 a.m. --
Beloved Community Sunday -- Discussion Leader - Mindy Thompson Fullilove
Beloved Community Sunday is a time when people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of the City of Orange, NJ can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Sunday, February 9th, 10:30 a.m. --
Remembering Kemet/Egypt and All We Owe Her! -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Kemet, the jewel of the Nile! Kemet the place where monotheism begins and the Egyptian Book of the Dead takes place. Kemet home of the first physician and medicine begins in earnest. Join us as we look closely at the history and spiritual gifts of this most amazing African nation.
Sunday, February 16th, 10:30 a.m. --
A Nation Without Us -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
What would the United States be without Africans? For that matter what would the Americas be without them? This service during Black History month will explore the possibilities of how our country and the world would have been shaped radically differently without this historical set of circumstance.
Tuesday, February 18th 7:30p.m. -- Board of Trustees meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, February 23rd,
11:15 a.m. -- East-West Sunday: The Ramayana -- Discussion Leaders - Wayne Eastman & Darcy Hall
Our East-West session spiritual education session this month will be devoted to the Ramayana, an epic story for the ages and for all ages that blends animals, love, action, adventure, and multiple spiritual meanings. Long-time church members Wayne Eastman and Darcy Hall will lead the session.
Sunday, March 2nd, 11:00 a.m. --
Beloved Community Sunday -- Discussion Leader - Mindy Thompson Fullilove
Beloved Community Sunday is a time when people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of the City of Orange, NJ can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Sunday, March 9th, 11:00 a.m. --
What is the Religious Liberal to Make of Lent? -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
During this very religious season I've been asked often what am I giving up for lent. It's a puzzling question for a non-Catholic but one worth some sincere thought. Not in the way that a member of the Episcopal faith or Orthodox or Catholic may find it but one worth our time and attention nevertheless. Come join us as we look at this venerable practice and how we religious liberals may approach it or even benefit from it.
Also this Sunday, Celebrations & Music Committee meeting at 1:00 p.m., in the Sonen Room.
Sunday, March 16th, 11:00 a.m. --
The Wide World of Norbert Fabian Čapek -- Rev. Joseph Ben-David
Rev. Dr. Norbert Fabian Čapek was a member of the First UU Church of Essex County during his stay in the United States. In this sermon, we will explore Čapek's Unitarian philosophy and his enormously creative life, tragically ending with his murder in the Dachau concentration camp. Rev. Ben-David will also include the contemporary resources in psychology and theology, Dr. Čapek would be identifying with, were he alive today.
Reverend Joseph Ben-David is a minister emeritus of the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians. His mentor was Dr. Norbert Fabian Čapek, the founder of the Society who as a most dynamic spiritual leader created the unique Flower Communion and built the Prague congregation into the largest Unitarian Church in the world, having 3,000 members. (For more information, see our webpage Norbert & Maja Čapek.)
Tuesday, March 18th, 7:30 p.m. - Board of Trustees meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, March 23rd, 11:00 a.m. --
Who's Fooling Whom? -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Humans go through a series of ups and downs in life. Often we delude ourselves into believing things that aren't true. In this service we will explore why humans have a hard time dealing with the truth and how we may move towards authentic living with as much honesty as we can muster. Join us for a morning filled with introspection and truth telling.
Also this Sunday, at 12:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Special Congregational Meeting, to discuss two-year renewal of Minister's contract and vote on Letter of Intent concerning merger with U.U. Congregation of Montclair.
Sunday, March 30th, 11:15 a.m. (in the Parish Hall) --
East-West Sunday: Sufism -- Discussion Leaders - Wayne Eastman & Darcy Hall
In this East-West session, long-time church members Wayne Eastman and Darcy Hall will lead a program on the mystical Sufi tradition within Islam. In addition to our usual film, there will be a craft project for all ages.
Sunday, April 6th, 11:00 a.m. --
Beloved Community Sunday -- Discussion Leader - Mindy Thompson Fullilove
Beloved Community Sunday is a time when people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of the City of Orange, NJ can gather to get to know each other, and work together.
Sunday, April 13th, 11:00 a.m. --
Spring into Renewal -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Spring is a time for joy and reflection. Each Spring is a season for looking forward. After this long winter it is good and right to look for growing things. This season is filled with traditions and religious significance from cultures far and wide. The question for us today is what shall I do with this information? How shall I incorporate a Spring perspective into my life? Is resurrection or rebirth or a growing season possible for me? Join us for an interesting service of thought-provoking ideas.
Monday, April 14th, 6:00 p.m. -- Passover Seder, at the U.U. Congregation of Montclair;
for details see our Newsletter page 5.
Wednesday, April 16th, 7:30 p.m. -- Board of Trustees meeting, Sonen Room.
Sunday, April 20th, 11:00 a.m. --
[Easter] Jesus: No Dogma, Just The Facts -- Rev. Phil Passantino
In the past 20 years, Biblical scholars have come to some stunning new insights about what Jesus of Nazareth was up to. Let's leave the dogma behind and look with fresh eyes. The insights may surprise you.
Phil Passantino has officiated weddings on TV (Style Network's "Glam Fairy") and radio (WPLJ-FM's "Scott & Todd Morning Show"). He's spoken at UU fellowships from Ireland to Louisiana. He presents educational kids' programs to schools and libraries. He's also a songwriter who plays a mean accordion, African mbira, and guitar. His website is
Sunday, April 27th, 11:00 a.m. --
Unitarian Universalists as a Justice-Seeking People-- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
This service is all about our denomination's ability to assist members and friends seek ways to work towards Justice. This paradigm is not for the faint of heart but for all people that want to find a way to serve humankind, walk gently upon this earth and love one another more fully! Join us for a deep service filled with the history and present applications of faith made real by our hands.
This Sunday will also be the beginning of the annual Pledge Canvass.
Sunday, April 27th, 3:30 p.m. --
Memorial Service for Lorraine Mills
Sunday, May 4th, 11:00 a.m.--
Beloved Community Sunday -- Dr.Mindy Thompson Fullilove, Discussion Leader
Beloved Community Sunday is a time when people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of the City of Orange, NJ can gather to get to know each other, and work together. This Sunday, we will talk about the Heart of Orange, and the upcoming University of Orange Placemaking which will take place on May 31st at Oakwood Avenue School, a day to get to know this historic community.
Sunday, May 4th, 12:30 p.m. -- Social Action committee meeting, Parish Hall.
Sunday, May 11th, 11:00 a.m. --
Mother's Day -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Join us for a warm and enlightening Mother's Day celebration. This is our day to honor mothers, motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothering in society. We will explore the past and look at society today as we give love, thanks and acknowledgement of the gifts mothers bring to us all.
Sunday, May 18th,
11:15 a.m. -- East-West Sunday: Sikhism -- Wayne Eastman &Darcy Hall
The final East-West session of the church year will be devoted to the founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Nanak. Darcy will lead us in a craft project for all ages, and the Orange Wanderer, AKA Wayne, will walk to the church from the train station and introduce a short film.
Wednesday, May 21st, 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees meeting
, Sonen Room.
Sunday, May 25th, 11 a.m. --
Time to Change -- Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
It is a crisis that manifests itself across the world in the form of child marriage, unequal pay, female genital mutilation, human trafficking, and more. It is the most serious challenge facing our world today: the subjugation and abuse of women and girls. These words of our 39th President along with what I've learned about the practices of some African Traditional treatment of widows has touched my heart and I now know that I must change. Join us for an engaging and serious look into the practices of a male dominated world and the possibilities that we can do something very different starting today.
Sunday, June 1st, 11 a.m. --
Beloved Community Sunday: Aid in Dying -- Ethan Andersen
Beloved Community Sunday is a time when people of all backgrounds who are interested in the future of the City of Orange, NJ can gather to get to know each other, and work together. This Sunday, we will talk about the Death with Dignity Act, which is currently moving through the New Jersey Legislature. This informational presentation, along with a clip from the documentary "How to Die in Oregon" will be followed by a Q&A for the interest and education for members & friends.
Ethan Andersen is a field organizer for Compassion and Choices, a national organization promoting end-of-life choices for the terminally ill. Majoring in Finance at Rutgers University, he spent a year volunteering at St. Peter's University Hospital in New Brunswick, which brought him into contact with terminally ill adults, and their struggle with end of life issues. After working on a political campaign, Ethan started volunteering with Compassion and Choices and became very involved in the process for passing the Death with Dignity Act in New Jersey. Now a Field Organizer, his goal is to educate and inform the public of this legislation, which he believes would provide terminally ill adults with the choice they deserve.
Sunday, June 8th, 11 a.m. -
Resilience: Getting Through Life’s Challenges
-- Kimberly Quinn Johnson
Resilience describes our ability to respond to and recover from difficulties of kife's unexpected circumstances. From large scale tragedy and trauma to personal setbcks, we all face obstacles or reversals which knock us off balance and threaten our sense of stability. How can we, as individuals and as a community, recognize and cultivate resilience?
This Sunday will also be our Flower Communion celebration. The Flower Communion service, celebrated annually by many Unitarian Universalist churches, originated at the Prague Congregation of Liberal Religious Fellowship founded in February 1922 by Norbert Čapek and his wife Maja. For more information, see our Flower Communion page.
Kimberly Quinn Johnson is a seminary student at Meadville Lombard Theological School, and a candidate for UU ministry. She is serving as an intern Minister at the 4th Universalist Society of Manhattan, in New York. As a member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, Kimberly was active as a youth advisor and chair of the Undoing Racism Committee. She is a program leader with the UU College of Social Justice, which offers experiential learning journeys and social justice training designed to help Unitarian Universalists deepen and sustain the work of justice in their congregations and communities. She also currently teaches Women’s and Gender Studies at New Jersey City University. Before ministry, Kimberly worked as a union organizer with the United Auto Workers.
The Annual Congregational Meeting will also be held this day, shortly after the conclusion of the worship service.
Wednesday, June 18th, 7:30 p.m. --
Board of Trustees meeting, Sonen Room.